posted ago by Mad_King_Kalak ago by Mad_King_Kalak +6 / -4

I'm not saying God protected Trump, what I am saying, is that like the assassination attempt of Pope John Paul II survived only by a twist of fate. He moved his body, by chance, out of the way.

Mehmet Ali Ağca shot four shots at John Paul II. The first two at his head, and the second two at his body. At the precise moment the heads shots from the Browning Hi-Power were fired at the pope's head, he had bent down to pick up a little child, an Italian carpenter's daughter. The bullets passed over him and struck two American tourists. The headshots at that range would surely have killed him. He survived the wound to his torso and the one to his hand.


Please don't use the idea that "it was just so lucky" as evidence it was fake. There are other reasons it could be fake, if you're going to hang your hat on anything.