If you want truth to stop hurting your feelings so much that you humiliate yourself by exposing your utter lack of knowledge of users of this website, all you have to do is accept truth even when it hurts your feelings.
Say what you like but Viviennui isn't wrong, apart from using "fascist" - he's targetting PDW types who don't actually know what communism or fascism are.
Who does this read like? Perhaps a regular commentator here, on this board that glows like kryptonite.
If you want truth to stop hurting your feelings so much that you humiliate yourself by exposing your utter lack of knowledge of users of this website, all you have to do is accept truth even when it hurts your feelings.
By the way, you can’t cite your claim. Again.
I wonder to whom he was referring? I'm baffled.
Every single time. You can be forgiven for not knowing the context just this once, however.
Ironic, given that you refuse to prove your claims.
Thanks for proving me right every waking moment of your life.
Something something pay gap
Say what you like but Viviennui isn't wrong, apart from using "fascist" - he's targetting PDW types who don't actually know what communism or fascism are.