Why carve within a force that shapes? If the electrical patterns are inherent, then why utilize magnetic effort to carve them into other shapes?
there may be a deeper operation of the Universe facilitated by these connections
What happens if electricity connects? Do those within electricity need to avoid connection with electricity? To be within an electric universe implies being set apart from it and one another...
what I just described
Describing to others and carving within electricity...what's the difference? Could a description be inscribed into memory? How does electricity generate memory?
Why carve within a force that shapes? If the electrical patterns are inherent, then why utilize magnetic effort to carve them into other shapes?
What happens if electricity connects? Do those within electricity need to avoid connection with electricity? To be within an electric universe implies being set apart from it and one another...
Describing to others and carving within electricity...what's the difference? Could a description be inscribed into memory? How does electricity generate memory?