Very good question in the end, I think I've seen someone compare water blessing with water memory, and the parallels are strong.
The scientific side of water memory, which of course has been overshadowed by grandiose attached claims that hide the basic science, is that water's unique shape lends itself to potential persistent organizational properties. Scientists agree this happens in the case of freezing, where H2O ice expands unlike most other frozen solids, due to a crystallization in the organization. Water memory is the idea that the same thing happens above freezing temperatures, and that this is achieved by music or other vibrations. I'm not competent to judge it in either direction, so I leave it open in my theory file; happy to hear that this source conducted repeatable inquiries.
If we posit that holy water blessings do increase internal structure in the water, this may result in macro effects that explain some of the alleged acidic properties when applied to e.g. vampires.
Note that this is not the same, though closely related, to holy water in the tabernacle and temples. That water included ashes of the red heifer (of which nine have been slaughtered in history), and any process of blessing with music has been lost to history. However, if the red heifer slaughter makes the news cycle (it could happen any time Israel is sufficiently at peace to allow the ritual without any risk of interruption), we might see a universal holy water blessing explained in all the details Jews are interested in. The Christian details for the allied ritual are well-covered in your material.
Hey, it's in the Christian Bible, Numbers 19. I haven't seen evidence of any changes since then.
Add: If it wasn't clear, there has been no Jewish holy water since the first century, and there is no historical connection whatsoever between holy water and blood libel.
Yet when you wrote that comment you wrote it as if so called "Israel" has something to do with Jews in the Biblical sense. These "Jews" of so called Israel are not Jews they are the Synagogue of Satan. This guy gets it:
Do you or do you not know that Jews do not follow the old testament but rather the Talmud? The Talmud which was written after Jesus' time and which curses and slanders Jesus and says he is boiling in a pit of excrement? Do you even know what the Talmud is or what Jews think of you?
Very good question in the end, I think I've seen someone compare water blessing with water memory, and the parallels are strong.
The scientific side of water memory, which of course has been overshadowed by grandiose attached claims that hide the basic science, is that water's unique shape lends itself to potential persistent organizational properties. Scientists agree this happens in the case of freezing, where H2O ice expands unlike most other frozen solids, due to a crystallization in the organization. Water memory is the idea that the same thing happens above freezing temperatures, and that this is achieved by music or other vibrations. I'm not competent to judge it in either direction, so I leave it open in my theory file; happy to hear that this source conducted repeatable inquiries.
If we posit that holy water blessings do increase internal structure in the water, this may result in macro effects that explain some of the alleged acidic properties when applied to e.g. vampires.
Note that this is not the same, though closely related, to holy water in the tabernacle and temples. That water included ashes of the red heifer (of which nine have been slaughtered in history), and any process of blessing with music has been lost to history. However, if the red heifer slaughter makes the news cycle (it could happen any time Israel is sufficiently at peace to allow the ritual without any risk of interruption), we might see a universal holy water blessing explained in all the details Jews are interested in. The Christian details for the allied ritual are well-covered in your material.
So basically Jewish "holy" water is demonic? Containing the remains of slaughtered animals or perhaps slaughtered Christian children?
Hey, it's in the Christian Bible, Numbers 19. I haven't seen evidence of any changes since then.
Add: If it wasn't clear, there has been no Jewish holy water since the first century, and there is no historical connection whatsoever between holy water and blood libel.
Yet when you wrote that comment you wrote it as if so called "Israel" has something to do with Jews in the Biblical sense. These "Jews" of so called Israel are not Jews they are the Synagogue of Satan. This guy gets it:
Do you or do you not know that Jews do not follow the old testament but rather the Talmud? The Talmud which was written after Jesus' time and which curses and slanders Jesus and says he is boiling in a pit of excrement? Do you even know what the Talmud is or what Jews think of you?