Being implies different from one another...consenting to suggested theism (theo) and logism (logical) tempts many ones to respond alike.
They're saying it's fringe
Being implies center (perception) within circumference (perceivable)...consenting to anything suggested tempts one off-center, hence towards fringe/border/edge/margin etc.
Being within sound implies centered; consenting to what others are "saying" implies inclination towards "fringe".
emotional "energies" and "vibrations"
a) There's only one energy and it moves/motion...those within can choose to ignore being moved, which implies emotion/emotio/ emoveo - "to move from".
b) EN'ERGY, noun (Gr. work) - "internal or inherent power" implies internal generation of action (motion) and reactions (matter) in balance (momentum) with each other. Center of balance implies choice aka oscillation aka vibration.
Being implies choice within balance (need/want)...instead of oscillating between need (perceivable inspiration) and want (suggested information), many choose dullness for self and friction (want vs not want) against others.
how this holy water retains that holyness even if it just sits there
There implies a differentiation from here...and differentiation can only exist within motion. Holy/whole moves; while each partial within wields the free will of choice to ignore being (life) moved (inception towards death) by for example suggesting to each other that "it just sits there".
As for just..."JUST balances, just weights, a just ephah and a just hin shall ye have." ~Leviticus 19:36.
Balance can only exist within's the choice within motion that is free to choose to ignore that, hence imbalancing self, which others exploit by tricking ones choice to choose chosen ones suggestion.
Being implies different from one another...consenting to suggested theism (theo) and logism (logical) tempts many ones to respond alike.
Being implies center (perception) within circumference (perceivable)...consenting to anything suggested tempts one off-center, hence towards fringe/border/edge/margin etc.
Being within sound implies centered; consenting to what others are "saying" implies inclination towards "fringe".
a) There's only one energy and it moves/motion...those within can choose to ignore being moved, which implies emotion/emotio/ emoveo - "to move from".
b) EN'ERGY, noun (Gr. work) - "internal or inherent power" implies internal generation of action (motion) and reactions (matter) in balance (momentum) with each other. Center of balance implies choice aka oscillation aka vibration.
Being implies choice within balance (need/want)...instead of oscillating between need (perceivable inspiration) and want (suggested information), many choose dullness for self and friction (want vs not want) against others.
There implies a differentiation from here...and differentiation can only exist within motion. Holy/whole moves; while each partial within wields the free will of choice to ignore being (life) moved (inception towards death) by for example suggesting to each other that "it just sits there".
As for just..."JUST balances, just weights, a just ephah and a just hin shall ye have." ~Leviticus 19:36.
Balance can only exist within's the choice within motion that is free to choose to ignore that, hence imbalancing self, which others exploit by tricking ones choice to choose chosen ones suggestion.