Herein I answered all the essential tax-related questions in one sentence
I read through your response quite intently and I'm unable to identify which sentence was supposed to achieve this. Are you by any chance a person that has been doing this a lifetime? And you mentioned IRS instructions, but I don't see those either. I'll be honest. I'm very confused about all this, and it seems fishy.
I've been "doing it" (analyzing the law) for over 20 years, but that's obviously not part of the Swamp Rangers.
IRS instructions are on their website. Anyone analytical will note that the IRS instructions and website and the associated regs and laws are themselves very fishy. The fact that there's a constant unrestrained movement deriding the IRS as fishy, for a thousand invalid reasons and maybe a couple legit ones, indicates that the law is sufficiently vague to merit judicial notice. I realized this fishiness, without any help from any false argument, when I was still a minor; so you could say I've been doing it for a lifetime; but my primary questions were answered only after sufficient research.
If confused, step one is always to know and ask the Lord. Based on how he guides, ask away. Consider whether Americans legally ceded their sovereignty or whether they didn't and must act on the sovereignty bequeathed to them by taking responsibility. If Americans never made themselves slaves of the state, they must do due diligence to reclaim their heritage. It's not easy, and it takes a lifetime of small victories to get where you desire to go in your sovereignty, but it's much easier than at most any other time or place in history, as long as you don't fall for the state's lies that it "entitles" you rather than you controlling it.
I came here to spread truth, and so this truth is one that I direct people to among many. Due to prior agreements, I'm not at liberty to set up a teaching seminar here. Yet. But if you want a homework assignment, find a form from a third party that you may have received in a January (that's an "information return") and find the box(es) that indicate that an amount of money was paid in a certain category (that's testimony). Then begin your research into whether that third party had its testimony accurate, and means of correcting inaccuracies. I believe that one can relentlessly pursue truth until any question is answered, so the submission of honest confusion will always reward the patient.
Thank you so much for your patient explanation. I know I can be a little retarded from time to time because I'm sometimes easily thrown off by trivialities. I'm quite confused as to the exact nature of the voluntary taxation system as well as my relationship with said system, so I greatly appreciate any and every thing that you can tell me.
You volunteer to assess yourself. You have the responsibility of understanding the law, as the IRS tells you. Start with what I said about information returns and answer the question I asked about what they say. You've gotten an information return in January before, correct? They have different common form numbers.
Often on c/Conspiracies I answer questions about US taxation. However, as a Swamp Ranger I only give generic answers so as not to constitute tax advice, as that has not been made a Swamp Ranger plank. There are lots of folks here who question the meaning of income tax law, and the law is suspiciously worded enough that there may be a valid reason for it. So I counsel people to read the Internal Revenue Code for themselves, as being American citizens we are held accountable for knowing the whole millions of words, and I can give hints or guidance to assist the discovery process. But, especially because Scored disapproves of giving info to earn money, I don't point to individuals who are making money off of information, whether of good or bad quality. I just give the info I know and can share for free.
If you want a homework assignment, find a form you received in a January that asserts that you earned income, and we can look at it. It might not be something you want to prioritize until next January.
I read through your response quite intently and I'm unable to identify which sentence was supposed to achieve this. Are you by any chance a person that has been doing this a lifetime? And you mentioned IRS instructions, but I don't see those either. I'll be honest. I'm very confused about all this, and it seems fishy.
Sorry, here it is.
I've been "doing it" (analyzing the law) for over 20 years, but that's obviously not part of the Swamp Rangers.
IRS instructions are on their website. Anyone analytical will note that the IRS instructions and website and the associated regs and laws are themselves very fishy. The fact that there's a constant unrestrained movement deriding the IRS as fishy, for a thousand invalid reasons and maybe a couple legit ones, indicates that the law is sufficiently vague to merit judicial notice. I realized this fishiness, without any help from any false argument, when I was still a minor; so you could say I've been doing it for a lifetime; but my primary questions were answered only after sufficient research.
If confused, step one is always to know and ask the Lord. Based on how he guides, ask away. Consider whether Americans legally ceded their sovereignty or whether they didn't and must act on the sovereignty bequeathed to them by taking responsibility. If Americans never made themselves slaves of the state, they must do due diligence to reclaim their heritage. It's not easy, and it takes a lifetime of small victories to get where you desire to go in your sovereignty, but it's much easier than at most any other time or place in history, as long as you don't fall for the state's lies that it "entitles" you rather than you controlling it.
I came here to spread truth, and so this truth is one that I direct people to among many. Due to prior agreements, I'm not at liberty to set up a teaching seminar here. Yet. But if you want a homework assignment, find a form from a third party that you may have received in a January (that's an "information return") and find the box(es) that indicate that an amount of money was paid in a certain category (that's testimony). Then begin your research into whether that third party had its testimony accurate, and means of correcting inaccuracies. I believe that one can relentlessly pursue truth until any question is answered, so the submission of honest confusion will always reward the patient.
Thank you so much for your patient explanation. I know I can be a little retarded from time to time because I'm sometimes easily thrown off by trivialities. I'm quite confused as to the exact nature of the voluntary taxation system as well as my relationship with said system, so I greatly appreciate any and every thing that you can tell me.
You volunteer to assess yourself. You have the responsibility of understanding the law, as the IRS tells you. Start with what I said about information returns and answer the question I asked about what they say. You've gotten an information return in January before, correct? They have different common form numbers.
Yes, I have. Thank you again for simplifying and explaining. I appreciate the orientation.
Shoud I ask you to send me a PM to explain... What :) you are talking about?
Often on c/Conspiracies I answer questions about US taxation. However, as a Swamp Ranger I only give generic answers so as not to constitute tax advice, as that has not been made a Swamp Ranger plank. There are lots of folks here who question the meaning of income tax law, and the law is suspiciously worded enough that there may be a valid reason for it. So I counsel people to read the Internal Revenue Code for themselves, as being American citizens we are held accountable for knowing the whole millions of words, and I can give hints or guidance to assist the discovery process. But, especially because Scored disapproves of giving info to earn money, I don't point to individuals who are making money off of information, whether of good or bad quality. I just give the info I know and can share for free.
If you want a homework assignment, find a form you received in a January that asserts that you earned income, and we can look at it. It might not be something you want to prioritize until next January.