Yes, though it's true that Lowell Becraft used this argument successfully and this may allude correctly to that event, there is zero chance this is a real CIR memo, as it has no authentication and is not written from an IRS POV but from that of a Becraft sympathizer. Becraft's work was of the best quality but like others he rarely received remedy.
Individuals using the nonratification argument only succeed in spite of the argument. There is no "many" getting off not guilty; there is mostly just Gaylon "Whitey" Harrell (featured in A:FFTF) who was ruled not guilty because the jury decided his belief was sincere, not because they believed as he did.
The Supremes have already weighed in that the tax is Constitutional because in the nature of an excise, and they've even ruled that to say too much more would be "precarious" to collections. This means it's not theft under the Constitution because technically evitable and noticed and voluntary. It is left to all sovereign citizens to deign how to deal with the expensive machinery attempting to trick them into paying more than they might necessarily owe. Hundreds of millions are required to decide for themselves the definition of "income" because the government refuses.
Yes, though it's true that Lowell Becraft used this argument successfully and this may allude correctly to that event, there is zero chance this is a real CIR memo, as it has no authentication and is not written from an IRS POV but from that of a Becraft sympathizer. Becraft's work was of the best quality but like others he rarely received remedy.
Individuals using the nonratification argument only succeed in spite of the argument. There is no "many" getting off not guilty; there is mostly just Gaylon "Whitey" Harrell (featured in A:FFTF) who was ruled not guilty because the jury decided his belief was sincere, not because they believed as he did.
The Supremes have already weighed in that the tax is Constitutional because in the nature of an excise, and they've even ruled that to say too much more would be "precarious" to collections. This means it's not theft under the Constitution because technically evitable and noticed and voluntary. It is left to all sovereign citizens to deign how to deal with the expensive machinery attempting to trick them into paying more than they might necessarily owe. Hundreds of millions are required to decide for themselves the definition of "income" because the government refuses.
^^ u/the-new-style ^^ u/ImBillCurtis