posted ago by Primate98 ago by Primate98 +9 / -0

TL;DR: Jack Parsons is descended in a direct line from people that faked witch trials decades before the famous ones in Salem. They were phony just like the “occult” that we’ve all been getting sold for well over a century. We’ll take a look at what is actually occulted—that which They don’t want you to see—as we climb around Jack’s family tree and find out he’s related to some very rich, powerful, and spooky (in the Intel sense) people.

Warning: This will be a long post because it covers information not talked about elsewhere, and that takes a lot more time. The world operates significantly differently than even conspiracy theorists believe, and it requires a lot of effort to shove things back into their places. If that’s not really what you’re after, then it will be excruciating and objectionable.

If you’re still here, then before we even begin I will note that I’ve never heard a breath of any of the following information in any of the—what, fifty, a hundred?—interviews that I’ve heard over the years about Jack Parsons. And that’s how disinformation works: everyone gets literally fascinated by tales of Jack and Aleister Crowley, and jerking off or whatever in the desert before rocket launches, and getting his wife cucked and his money jacked by a complete scumbag, and on and on.

I can’t make this point strongly enough: there is literally nothing occult in what you are told repeatedly about the occult (or any other matter) by all the popular researchers. Get it? It’s not hidden! If you want to know about that which is truly “hidden from the eye” then you have to dig around and that’s what we’re doing here.

Start by asking yourself this: Just who is Jack Parsons? Well, it’s not like anyone told you this in so many words, but he’s some rando that had an interest in rocketry and then got involved in some crazy shit, right? I mean, if there was anything more to it then surely you would have heard about it from one of these numerous knowledgeable researchers, correct? Well, again, that’s how disinformation works.

You can learn a whole lot about the Elites—most importantly detecting their presence in the first place-- by studying names and researching genealogies. I learned that from reading the work of Miles Mathis. I also later figured out that he’s the highest level disinformation agent of which I know. We’ll take a look at what he has to say about Jack, and then you can decide if he’s diverting us or if I’m just a better researcher than the whole team at Langley (hi guys!).

In his paper “Jack Parsons and JPL” (7-page PDF), Mathis writes:

The first thing we learn is that he was born Marvel Whiteside Parsons. Those names are all surnames, and we also find Wood, Lewis, Dikeman, Washburn, Platt, Sherman, Skidmore (Scudamore), Ayers, Smith, Clark, Monroe, and Kendall in his genealogy. So he is of the Families, being related to the Earls of Rosse. This links us to the Pelham-Clintons, the Hawke-Harveys, the Lloyds, the Sheppards, the Philips, the Walsinghams, and the Hamiltons. They admit Jack Parsons was from a wealthy family, but don't tell you any of that.

That’s all he says about Jack’s family, but boy, that’s enough isn’t it? I remember being blown away reading stuff like that. What impressive knowledge! Well, fast-forward and now I’m here to tell you what “Miles Mathis” isn’t telling you. The big difference—in case you were wondering if there was one—is that I’ll give you all the links and you can look at exactly the same info I did.

One area Mathis skips over is that--for some reason I have yet to divine--They always monkey around with their names. What’s baffling is that they don’t just pick some random name and cut themselves off from their genealogy. None of this work would be possible if they did that. It seems to be evidence that their bloodlines are of ultimate importance to them and that they are unwilling to part with them even to that small extent.

Read just the “Early life: 1914-1934” section of Jack’s wiki closely, paying attention to his name. It’s bizarre. Everyone refers to him today as “Jack” and if you’re listening to a “really knowledgeable researcher”, he will note that he was born “Marvel Whiteside Parsons”. He was named after his father, and wiki tells us he was called Jack around the house to distinguish him from his dad. Then after Mom and Dad get divorced, Mom starts calling him John. But wait—Jack is a nickname for John, not the other way around. Where did John come from, or Jack for that matter? And it was not just a childhood thing. A sidebar on the wiki contains his obituary from the local paper referring to him as “John W. Parsons”. It literally lasted his entire life.

My own sidebar: In the same time frame there is another John Parsons who worked for NASA and became Associate Director of Ames Research Center, just a few hours north of Pasadena (“HISTORICAL NARRATIVE - LYNDON B. JOHNSON SPACE CENTER - HOUSTON, TEXAS” [7-page PDF]). You can also see that he worked for NASA all the way back to when they were based in Langley (!!!) (“American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics - Historic Aerospace Site - NASA Ames Research Center - Moffett Federal Airfield, California” [12-page PDF]). Could this be an actual, real-life coincidence? Strange, in any case.

I suppose now we have to get it out of the way, but this is Jack’s direct line of ancestry:

Marvel Harold Parsons (8/23/1889-5/12/1947)

Charles Henry Parsons (6/18/1864-3/17/1947)

Oh boy, great, we have to stop right there. Did you catch those dates of death? Jack’s father and grandfather died less than two months apart, and I might be willing to let that go but both were in the very strange year of 1947. Specifically, that was the first year of the CIA, and the number “47” crops up all the time in psyops. Strange, like the “John Parsons” thing, but let’s press on….

William Henry Parsons (1822-1907)

William Parsons (1792-1876)

Thomas Parsons (1735-1811)

Joseph Parsons (1702-1765)

Rev. Joseph Parsons, III (1672-1740)

Hon. Joseph Parsons, Jr., Esq. (1647-1729)

Joseph “Cornet Joseph” Parsons Sr. (1620-1683)

Finally, we pay dirt! But the point of the foregoing is to let you know in visual demonstration of painful detail just how far back all this goes. His FindAGrave page is where we find the gold:

Joseph “Cornet Joseph” Parsons Sr.

Interestingly, we can’t even get started without some insanity showing up right at the top. Why is there some Photoshopped (Paintshopped) picture in existence of a guy from the 17th Century? Who would have done such a thing? And why? Who knows?!

Let’s preface the next part by noting that the famous witch trials—regarding which the social engineers and virtue signalers are still bitching about misogyny and superstition three and a half centuries later—were staged:

The Salem Witch Trials WERE FAKED (10/19/2019 17-page PDF)

Yes, written by disinfo agent Miles Mathis himself. You be the judge, but that paper surfaces a tremendous amount of facts and the final conclusion is solid: they were phony. I consider it foundational, and have found these same clowns coming up over and over and over in my research.

But the Parsons family preceded even those clowns by decades, as that FindAGrave writeup tells us:

In Dorchester, in 1656, almost 40 years before the witchcraft travesty in Salem, MA, Joseph Parsons filed a lawsuit for slander, seeking damages against Sarah Bridegman, wife of James Bridgman. The suit accused Sarah Bridgeman of calling Mary Bliss Parsons a witch. Sarah Bridgeman's child had died and she accused Mary Parsons of causing the child's death. Other neighbors came forward with similar accusations. The quality of the evidence produced against Mary Bliss Parsons is indicated by testimony of Mrs Bridgeman on behalf of an older son, whose knee, being fractured and it being set, the child screamed in great pain that Mary Parsons was pulling his leg off and that he saw her on the shelf; when she went away, a black mouse followed her. Trial resulted in a verdict for Mary Parsons, which prompted the suit for slander, won by Joseph and Mary Bliss Parsons. The defendants were order to make a public apology and to pay the plaintiffs' costs: "seaven pounds, one shilling and eight pence."

There’s even another round two decades later! It’s worth noting that there’s no quit in these Elites.

Now, we could go on all day about people connected to Jack and his line (and none of them would be people Mathis bothers to tell you about), but I’ll just tell you about one. We’re actually jump-started on this one, because Cornet Joseph’s Geni page states his genealogy down to Levi Parsons Morton. (And Bess Truman, actually, but I don’t even consider her an interesting connection to Jack.)

Levi’s mother was a Parsons and that’s where he got his middle name, in true rich person style. He was an investment banker, member of the US House, Minister to France, VPOTUS, and Governor of NY. Typical career for these Elites.

More interesting is his wife, the very innocuously named Anna Morton. Turns out her full name was Anna Livingston Reade Morton, and she was descended from Robert Livingston the Elder. Back in the day, he was granted Livingston Manor, a 160,000-acre tract of land in the Province of New York. Not bad, huh? It turns out lots of members of the Livingston family did okay for themselves:

Descendants of the Livingstons include Presidents of the United States George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, First Lady of the United States Eleanor Roosevelt, suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton [founder of modern Feminism and another fake occultist predating Jack], Congressman Bob Livingston of Louisiana, much of the wealthy Astor family, New York Governor Hamilton Fish, and actress Jane Wyatt…. New Jersey Governor William Livingston [was] a signatory of the Constitution.

So if anyone wants to hear one more time about the dumb phony occult sex clubs Jack set up, I suppose they will have to look elsewhere.

BONUS: Hard to believe anyone read this far, but we are still living with these motherscratchers and their antics even to this day and here is an example. About halfway down Jack’s genealogy, you find William Parsons. He had a sister named Abigail Parsons. She married the very oddly named Isaac Marble Parker.

I’ve thrown a bit of a light on them before, but these Parkers are incredibly spooky. It’s beyond anything you imagine. I suspected it before, but now I’m certain that one of them is the notorious Robbie Parker. (Again, why don’t they change their names?) But just like with Jack Parsons, I would guess that up till now you thought Robbie Parker was just some dude.