GIBBERISH; noun - "language of rogues and gypsies" aka rogare (to ask) + gyp (to cheat)
Perceivable sound implies natural; suggested words imply artificial...the latter asks for ones consent, which when given, cheats one within former.
Nature doesn't ask any questions, nor does it require any simply implies solution (inception towards death) to each problem (life), hence cheating aka escheat - "that which falls to one".
GIBBERISH; noun - "language of rogues and gypsies" aka rogare (to ask) + gyp (to cheat)
Perceivable sound implies natural; suggested words imply artificial...the latter asks for ones consent, which when given, cheats one within former.
Nature doesn't ask any questions, nor does it require any simply implies solution (inception towards death) to each problem (life), hence cheating aka escheat - "that which falls to one".