a) Delete implies letting (let) divide (de) aka by ones free will of choice.
b) DE-lete + CO-nect aka divided against + together with...that implies each conflict of reason.
c) "to god" implies suggested progressivism (to) and theism (god) tempting one to ignore perceivable...being (life) within (inception towards death) aka being moved towards, while within origin.
d) CON (together; with) NECTERE (to bind) TION (action)...actions sets reactions free (will of choice) from one another. It's ones consent to the suggestion of another which binds anew aka religion (Latin religio; to bind anew).
e) Calling TION (action) "god" binds ones re-action to suggested theism, hence making one a follower, while ignoring that action (inception towards death) inspires reactions (life) to resist.
Action doesn't require a name...it implies a putting (life) into motion (inception towards death), hence implying both cause (ongoing loss) and effects (temporary growth) aka both all (whole) and each one (partial) within.
Bonus...action/accioun - "cause or grounds for a lawsuit" hence legal action. Natural law implies action; crime/charge/infraction implies those within natural law aka each frag-ment (partial mind).
That lawsuit implies "armor of god" aka "cast off the works of darkness (suggested information) and put on the armor of light (perceivable inspiration).
Steiner prophesied
a) Pro (forwards) phanai (to speak) tempts one to ignore being forwarded within sound...consenting to the suggestion of former tempts one to follow (dissonance); while adapting to latter inspires one to resist (resonance).
b) Rudolf aka hruod-wolf (fame wolf)...attributing to another tempts one to ignore self aka Steiner/st-ein/ ST-ONE (ones strength).
Watch out for the wolf (rudolf) within sheep's clothing (steiner)...
c) Who's using STEIN to clothe self for fame/infamy among others?
d) For those with eyes to see...Hans Fallada - "Wolf Among Wolves"
a) Delete implies letting (let) divide (de) aka by ones free will of choice.
b) DE-lete + CO-nect aka divided against + together with...that implies each conflict of reason.
c) "to god" implies suggested progressivism (to) and theism (god) tempting one to ignore perceivable...being (life) within (inception towards death) aka being moved towards, while within origin.
d) CON (together; with) NECTERE (to bind) TION (action)...actions sets reactions free (will of choice) from one another. It's ones consent to the suggestion of another which binds anew aka religion (Latin religio; to bind anew).
e) Calling TION (action) "god" binds ones re-action to suggested theism, hence making one a follower, while ignoring that action (inception towards death) inspires reactions (life) to resist.
Action doesn't require a name...it implies a putting (life) into motion (inception towards death), hence implying both cause (ongoing loss) and effects (temporary growth) aka both all (whole) and each one (partial) within.
Bonus...action/accioun - "cause or grounds for a lawsuit" hence legal action. Natural law implies action; crime/charge/infraction implies those within natural law aka each frag-ment (partial mind).
That lawsuit implies "armor of god" aka "cast off the works of darkness (suggested information) and put on the armor of light (perceivable inspiration).
a) Pro (forwards) phanai (to speak) tempts one to ignore being forwarded within sound...consenting to the suggestion of former tempts one to follow (dissonance); while adapting to latter inspires one to resist (resonance).
b) Rudolf aka hruod-wolf (fame wolf)...attributing to another tempts one to ignore self aka Steiner/st-ein/ ST-ONE (ones strength).
Watch out for the wolf (rudolf) within sheep's clothing (steiner)...
c) Who's using STEIN to clothe self for fame/infamy among others?
d) For those with eyes to see...Hans Fallada - "Wolf Among Wolves"