There can be no "perverted" without first being a straight path. Christ was correcting the Jews to come back to the straight and narrow instead of the ungodly.
no "perverted" without first being a straight path
Pervert aka per verto (by turning) implies straight; turning implies ones within (life) straight (inception towards death) turning against one another.
Pathos implies straight; logos implies turning against another within a conflict of reason. Few utilize pathology among many aka suggested (logos) to distract from perceivable (pathos).
All religion is perverted.
Christ was killed for speaking out against organized religion.
There can be no "perverted" without first being a straight path. Christ was correcting the Jews to come back to the straight and narrow instead of the ungodly.
Pervert aka per verto (by turning) implies straight; turning implies ones within (life) straight (inception towards death) turning against one another.
Pathos implies straight; logos implies turning against another within a conflict of reason. Few utilize pathology among many aka suggested (logos) to distract from perceivable (pathos).