29 Ashkenazi jews originate from the medieval judaized Khazar Kingdom (modern day Ukraine) and are not real jews or semites (as anyone with eyes can confirm). The prophecy of Rev. 2:9 was fulfilled: "I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan." (www.berdichev.org) posted 220 days ago by SmithW1984 220 days ago by SmithW1984 +34 / -5 18 comments share 18 comments share save hide report block hide replies
a) KHA (Hebrew; here) ZAR (Hebrew; foreigner) aka native (perception within perceivable) and foreign (suggestion). Oneself implies "kah"; everyone else implies "zar".
b) Dominance (inception towards death) generates kings/kind/kin (life)...free to choose aka free within dom.
Aka SEMI (half; partial) aka partials (each ones perception) within whole (all perceivable).