Sam Altman, the famous venture capitalist, says we have stumbled on a new fact of nature: that intelligence is an emergent property of matter.
This is a silly materialistic explanation for consciousness. Reasoning, language, self-awareness do not spring from matter. Matter itself is and will always be inert without an animating will and soul.
...what those suggesting material-ism are shaping.
Latin intelligo (to understand) implies submerging self by consenting to the suggestions of another, while ignoring that only knowledge emerges from all perceivable through each ones perception.
Proper implies particularly (matter) suited to whole (motion), which prevents formed matter (life) to hold onto flowing motion (inception towards death)...others suggest "property" as ones own possession to tempt one to hold onto suggested, while ignoring perceivable.
If matter holds onto matter; it dissolves faster within motion aka friction. Few collectivize many to exploit this friction.
a) The-ism implies many submitting to authority of few.
b) Fame implies given by many to few.
c) Loss (inception towards death) generates growth (life)...few suggest risk of loss (venture) to tempt many to gamble growth away.
d) -ist (capitalist) implies many consenting to suggested -ism (capitalism) by few.
Explanation implies expressed matter (life) within plane (inception towards death) of impressing motion.
Aka conflict among many over suggestions by few, while ignoring perceivable.
Aka manner of expression (words) tempting one to ignore motion of impression (sound).
Aware (life) ness (inception towards death) implies perpetuation of self through internal-course with another for off-spring.
Being implies as matter (life) within motion (inception towards death); hence inert (destitute of the power of moving itself). All moves; each one within implies re-move aka responding to being moved.