There are a lot of posts and pictures that grab attentions, but what do you think would be the definitive way to express most information in a single meme/post/documentary?
Conspiracies are many different topics, what would be the best one to share right now? What is the best way to do it?
Many of you have a lot of input to share, what would be the perfect way to do it in a single action?
What would the masses benefit from the most right now? What is the perfect message to send them?
Ones consent authorizes suggested information by another as truth.
Aka suggestion as the middleman (Latin medius; middle) in-between ones perception and all perceivable.
a) Aka media (middle) suggesting both sides to tempt ones choice off-center. Choice can only exist within balance, balance can only exist within motion, and holding onto a side ignores motion, while balancing choice.
It's ones free will of choice which flips sides (want vs not want) when consenting to suggested information from chosen ones (selected by ones choice).
b) Regret implies a pain of mind, which griefs loss. Holding onto suggested, while ignoring that perceivable moves, and can't be held onto...that establishes regret within self.
Hunger implies a natural value, which inspires ones evaluation to tempts one to ignore resisting. Perception cannot support perceivable...all perceivable (whole) supports each ones perception (partial).
Velocity (inception towards death) supports resistance (life)...yet...velocity also tempts resistance to ignore resisting, when seeking support from another.
a) Indirect implies within (life) direction (inception towards death).
b) Suggested either (one or another) tempts ONE to ignore self for another ONE, and ones consent to another ones suggestion implies dual-ism (Latin duo; two) aka a binding together.
c) Suggested "or" implies "more than"; perceivable or implies origin...there can be only one origin.
Center (ones perception) and circumference (all perceivable) are set apart from one another...a kike (kikel; circle) tempts others together (tikkun olam; healing the world by bringing together), while cutting them off circumference (circumcision).
A circle doesn't associate; it grows center from center outwards. Association imbalances center.
The next layer of deception applied...being implies cubical aka in-between left/right + up/down + front/back during lineal (inception towards death).
Few utilize "circling the square" as an inversion of "squaring the circle" to distract many from self discernment.
Aka consenting (support) to suggested (idealism)...a submission of self to another.
TO aka towards implies natural; BE-ing implies within (life) natural (inception towards death)...technical implies the artificial suggestions by another.
TECH'NICAL, adjective (Latin technicus; Gr. art, artifice; to fabricate, make or prepare) - "pertaining to art or the arts"...
Wake implies "to be put in motion"...being can only exist within (life) motion (inception towards death). It's one letting go of suggested information, which allows one to notice perceivable and its startling; surprising; fascinating; shocking nature.
a) Suggested pluralism (they) is what tempts perceiving singular (one) to ignore motion (wake).
b) It's waking up another, which contradicts ones self discernment. One needs to discern self to be within motion; yet one wants to ignore that for holding onto truth; faith; belief; definition; meaning aka for what another suggests IS.
c) CAPABLE, adjective - "able to hold or contain; able to receive"...what if one is able to hold onto or contain suggested information; while receiving perceivable inspiration...which not only cannot be held onto; but which prevents one from holding onto or contain self?
What if you ain't giving; but tempting others to take? What if only nature gives (inception) and takes (death) to/from each one (life)?
If one takes, then one wanted. If one has what one wanted; then one doesn't want it anymore. night stands. Yesterday yay; today nay.