10 Recently uncovered NASA documents from 2001 outlining present day warfare (www.bitchute.com) posted 314 days ago by Asterix 314 days ago by Asterix +10 / -0 4 comments share 4 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Great find. The coof is Micro dust weaponry which they spray in the atmosphere: https://archive.org/details/FutureStrategicIssuesFutureWarfareCirca2025/page/n41/mode/2up?view=theater
The paper is even linked to on his wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_M._Bushnell
Does anyone know when this interview / video is from? I saw this in early Covid days, and I assumed it was newish, but it actually looks older, like 10 years old.
Thanks, BTW, for the PDF archive link.
Recently uncovered? Thats shits 15 y/o.