Aka proceeding within (order) salvation (jesus; Iesus; yeshua) aka partial (life) within order of salvatio/save/sol/soul/sole/whole (inception towards death).
Aka ismatical - "by the same path"...if many consent to suggested -isms by few; then each one ignores being differentiated (life) by same path (inception towards death).
all the other
ALL implies whole (perceivable); OTHER implies partials (perception)...suggested THE-ism tempts one to ignore that.
Aka being free (noble) from ignorance (dark).
Aka proceeding within (order) salvation (jesus; Iesus; yeshua) aka partial (life) within order of salvatio/save/sol/soul/sole/whole (inception towards death).
Aka ismatical - "by the same path"...if many consent to suggested -isms by few; then each one ignores being differentiated (life) by same path (inception towards death).
ALL implies whole (perceivable); OTHER implies partials (perception)...suggested THE-ism tempts one to ignore that.
Burn down Babylon in the name of the King of kings Yahshua Hamashiach!
Human life is priceless & Sacred.