a) Only nature clears (inception towards death) obscurity (life)...hence life struggling to clear (need) obscurity (want).
b) A jew tempts want with suggestion (information), which when consented to by a gentile, obscures needed perception (inspiration). Tempting consent implies selling and buying, both tempt one to ignore that nature sets free will of choice aka each one within as evaluation (perception) within value (perceivable).
In other words...jew suggests currency inside perceivable current to establish FIAT (Latin; let it be done) - "authoritative sanction" through the consent of gentile.
c) Nature doesn't name (noun) anything...it designates units (Latin unitas; unus, one) by setting apart whole (all perceivable) into partials (each ones perception)...those within shape names as idols for others to hold onto; while ignoring the moving nature underneath.
Suggested words can only be shaped within perceivable sound and oneself can be tricked with suggested "insane person" to ignore perceivable "in sanus (within sound) + per sonos" (by sound)". This implies spell-craft.
Those who adapt to perceivable sound imply PHONETICIANS (from phonic; sound); while those who consent to suggested words implies DEAF PHONETICIANS aka def-initions.
Furthermore...name (Latin nombre) implies number - "designation of unit" (Latin unitas; unus; one)...there can be only one...one for all and all (perceivable) for one (perception).
d) Consent to a suggested name implies "possessive"; while reasoning against others about it implies "obsessive"...posse (being able) + ob (against).
A jew suggests names/numbers/nouns to trick gentiles to posses it for self, while obsess about it against each other...which in return permits a jew not just control over both sides of every gentile conflict of reason, but also the power of mass consent to define (idolatry); redefine (revisionism) and contradict (talmudic reasoning) any and all suggested names/numbers (nouns) with added (adjective) words (verbs).
e) Any name gentiles hold onto; the natural order clears up...which a jew distracts from with suggested narratives for gentiles to also hold onto.
In short...sound implies ongoing; words imply temporary...gentiles are being tempted to ignore ongoing for temporary, which any jew exploits without a shred of mercy.
a) Only nature clears (inception towards death) obscurity (life)...hence life struggling to clear (need) obscurity (want).
b) A jew tempts want with suggestion (information), which when consented to by a gentile, obscures needed perception (inspiration). Tempting consent implies selling and buying, both tempt one to ignore that nature sets free will of choice aka each one within as evaluation (perception) within value (perceivable).
In other words...jew suggests currency inside perceivable current to establish FIAT (Latin; let it be done) - "authoritative sanction" through the consent of gentile.
Ones choice of consent selects chosen ones suggestion, hence ELITE (French élite) - "selection, choice".
c) Nature doesn't name (noun) anything...it designates units (Latin unitas; unus, one) by setting apart whole (all perceivable) into partials (each ones perception)...those within shape names as idols for others to hold onto; while ignoring the moving nature underneath.
Suggested words can only be shaped within perceivable sound and oneself can be tricked with suggested "insane person" to ignore perceivable "in sanus (within sound) + per sonos" (by sound)". This implies spell-craft.
Those who adapt to perceivable sound imply PHONETICIANS (from phonic; sound); while those who consent to suggested words implies DEAF PHONETICIANS aka def-initions.
Furthermore...name (Latin nombre) implies number - "designation of unit" (Latin unitas; unus; one)...there can be only one...one for all and all (perceivable) for one (perception).
d) Consent to a suggested name implies "possessive"; while reasoning against others about it implies "obsessive"...posse (being able) + ob (against).
A jew suggests names/numbers/nouns to trick gentiles to posses it for self, while obsess about it against each other...which in return permits a jew not just control over both sides of every gentile conflict of reason, but also the power of mass consent to define (idolatry); redefine (revisionism) and contradict (talmudic reasoning) any and all suggested names/numbers (nouns) with added (adjective) words (verbs).
e) Any name gentiles hold onto; the natural order clears up...which a jew distracts from with suggested narratives for gentiles to also hold onto.
In short...sound implies ongoing; words imply temporary...gentiles are being tempted to ignore ongoing for temporary, which any jew exploits without a shred of mercy.