This is extremely important to understand so we can flip the script on this world so I will say all that I found over the years
Demons and archons are the same thing. They are the souls that became so evil that they fell out of reality into a 2D hell. 2D is the imagination realm. They don’t exactly exist except in the imagination but can repent and work their way back up to 3D. Some do.
In 2D, they lack energy which comes from God. This is because they are too far away from God mentally to draw the energy. To fix this, they ensure misery spreads worldwide because when people are miserable, they enter the weakened aura of that person through a 2D portal. Then they eat the energy. The more misery a person feels, the more of their life energy is taken which makes the person even worse. They negatively influence the mind while feeding too. If someone is ultra miserable, many demons feast at once.
Those who follow evil in life are also miserable. Daily evil leads to insanity. These kind of people have the weakest aura. The demons use the hell out of them and almost control their behavior to be evil more evil. The worst are those who do rituals to become possessed. You will find those types in Hollywood and Politics.
The way to cause the demon to flee is joy and love. They hate the vibration of love because it dismantles their ego. Deep down inside all, even demons, are good. The ego is like a shell around them. For us it’s the human body. For them it’s the demon body. When they experience love, their demon body begins to dismantle which scares them because they would have to face themselves in the mirror it the mask ever falls off. This is why they Sabotoged the 1960s love movement. Once love spreads worldwide as it is destined to do, they will run off this whole planet.
Demons are summoned by politician type people who make deals to spread worldwide misery in exchange for information on how to expand their money and power. This is why the world became a mess. All they want is energy.
Finally some are walking around us who are possessed. Some people now are reporting seeing them. They have pitch black eyes and pointy ears that they can hide but since humans are evolving, they can’t really hide it anymore. Eventually all will see.
If the demon doesn’t improve after a long time, they basically disappear from existence and the soul is recycled back into the system.
Demons and AI are said to basically be the 2 entities running the Deep state.
That sounds like nothing found in the Bible. Might be something channeled by a New Age guru or something.
Boy that sounds New Agey
Completely unbiblical.
lol. That movement was bad from the start. It was anti-Christian from the start.
I would stick with the Bible instead of any channeled New Age teachings, you'll be much better off.
thought experiment, maybe we got it wrong.
The creator made a realm, a chaotic realm built on the simple concept of pure survival. violence is the foundation of his creation and the only thing guaranteed is death. when the "demons" fell what did they do? The books say they taught us everything we know. They taught us how to survive.. they taught us methods to make our life easier with fleeting moments of joy. they taught us how to become masters of this chaotic realm.
what did god do as result? the bible says he tried to kill everyone...
These are all fairy tales.
God made a perfect life called heaven. We entered a duality simulation for good reasons. The quest is to awaken back to reality. The demons are the ones who went in the wrong direction and want to take humans down with them.
Reason implies duality, hence reasoning for or against anything suggested.
a) Direction (inception towards death) sets apart (life) from one another...others suggest pluralism (humans) to distract from singular (one).
b) Reasoning (right vs wrong) tempts one to ignore that direction (from/to) implies RIGHT of passage for any "wrongdoing" within.
c) Notice that as the nations/societies/civilizations of many are dissolving; that the few apart persist.
No matter how MANY die; FEW remain...
d) Notice that many consenting to what few suggest implies many TAKING from few. Meanwhile...nothing within nature can be held onto aka taken possession of.
Taking takes one out; all gives/imparts each one within. Adapting to what is given (perceivable towards perception) requires one to resist the temptation of taking (consent) from another (suggestion).
If matter (life) consents to motion (inception towards death) it gets taken out.
"we" positions oneself as singular within a plural, and "wrong" positions oneself against others within a conflict (right vs wrong)...these imply a controlled environment suggested by others for your thought experiment.
Furthermore...suggested "maybe" (possibly) tempts one to ignore perceivable being may/might (potential).
a) Pure (whole) generates impure (partials), hence impurity (life) struggling to sustain self during purification (inception towards death). Others suggest survival-ism to tempt one to ignore that one cannot outlive the process of dying, while living within it.
b) Human aka hue of man implies visible spectrum of light; in-between pure light (white) and absence of light (black). To be implies ray of light being moved through the visible spectrum.
A ray/race/radius/raddix cannot survive purification by implies being vive/vivere/live/alive within light. Others suggest SUR (beyond) to distract being from being VIVE (alive).
There ain't no "survival of the fittest" since each one within all is being set apart from one another, while few are tempting many to fit to one another.
a) VI'OLENT, adjective (Latin violentus) - "forcible; moving or acting with physical strength; urged or driven with force"
b) Violence (inception towards death) generates weakness/impotence/ powerlessness/fatigue (life); hence each ones struggle to sustain self (living) during violation (dying).
c) Suggested "is" tempts one to ignore that perceivable "was" before any suggestion can be shaped within and about it.
d) Suggested "the" implies the-ism aka ones submission to the authority of another.
Others suggest creation-ism; ones consent shapes one into a creation-ist. Nature doesn't create (out of nothing into something) transmutes each thing (partials) within everything (whole).
Foundation of nothing implies suggested nihil-ism (Latin nihilo; nothing) tempting ones consent to de-nial perceivable for suggested.
Guarantee/garrant/warrant/wer - "to cover"...the ongoing process of dying doesn't reveals temporary life.
Others suggest guarantees to tempt ones consent to authorize others, which in return permits others to cover/conceal perceivable underneath suggested aka the great work of concealing from the profane.
DAI-MON aka divider/provider aka rise (life) within fall (inception towards death) provided through division of whole into partials.
Change implies perceivable inspiration; Ex implies ones expressed perception...others suggest information to distract from that.
Everything implies knowledge (perceivable inspiration) others suggest (thought) pluralism (us; we) to corrupt knowledge (perception) with understanding (suggestion).
Look at the shape of a pyramid...many at bottom standing-under (understanding) few at top.
a) Method aka meta (to pursuit) hodos (way)...if life pursuits way (inception towards death); then life dies faster, which implies the easy way. The hard way implies resisting (need) temptation (want), while living within process of dying.
b) Only motion can make matter; matter can only re-make self within motion.
Sleight of hand...making movies leading to remaking movies. Meanwhile among watchers...remakes suck. With that mindset of collectivized consumption; choosing to REspond to what nature MAKEs, can be concealed easily.
There can be only one...motion generating MOMENTum for matter. Others suggest pictures to tempt one to capture moments, which in return tempts one to ignore being temporary matter (life) within perceivable momentum (inception towards death) of ongoing motion.
There exist only this moment aka NOW. Sleight of hand: "now or never".
a) Order (inception towards death) masters; chaos (life) resists slavery or submits. Being enabled to resist (need) submission/temptation (want) implies being FREE will of choice within DOMinance of balance aka free-dom.
b) Master/magis/more...being implies less (partial) then (whole). Others suggest that there can be more than everything perceivable, and ones consent aka submission to slavery implies ones free will of choice to want more than needed.
That's where the MAGIC happens....