Anyone who voluntarily risks their life to go die for jews in corrupt tyrannical and unnecessary wars to expand international jew power and defend their monopolies over central banks is nothing more than ZOG cannon fodder and is not worth celebrating. Dying or losing limbs for Jews is GAY. HOMOSEXUAL behavior.
I will give them the benefit of the doubt and believe that they were just duped and tricked and believed in the "national defense" propaganda. "Muh Honor" "Muh country" propaganda. We now know, thanks to the more freely exchange of information via the internet, that WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Korean War, etc had nothing to do with national defense.
In most cities in America you are not even allowed to use deadly force to defend your own property let alone the national border.
Why fight vietnamese or koreans or muslims when jews invade your nation with all these foreign primitive monkeys?
Your ancestors are commended for having warrior spirit but criticized for not being smart enough to know their skill and courage was hijacked and exploited by evil people to fight on the side of evil goblin jews. Lots of brawn, but no brains.
Veterans should make attempts to intercept military recruitment today and inform children to NOT sign up for the military and why it is a terrible decision for a naive young man to make. "I made the same mistake and here is why you should learn from my mistake and not talk to that ZOG military recruiter."
We cannot stand by and allow young white courageous men to be tricked into signing their lives away to go fight for ZOG who hates them and their families. Jews don't give a shit about any of our white family members ending up in body bags over some ridiculous greedy jew provoked war.
No other country in the world has as many people with actual combat experience. Would you rather zionists used Russia or China as the sharp end of the spear? Then we'd end up with a bunch of people talking about war like yourself without people like myself knowing they have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.
A Family of multi-generational ZOG cannon fodder.
It's better to be a warrior in a garden than a faggot on the internet.
Anyone who voluntarily risks their life to go die for jews in corrupt tyrannical and unnecessary wars to expand international jew power and defend their monopolies over central banks is nothing more than ZOG cannon fodder and is not worth celebrating. Dying or losing limbs for Jews is GAY. HOMOSEXUAL behavior.
I will give them the benefit of the doubt and believe that they were just duped and tricked and believed in the "national defense" propaganda. "Muh Honor" "Muh country" propaganda. We now know, thanks to the more freely exchange of information via the internet, that WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Korean War, etc had nothing to do with national defense.
In most cities in America you are not even allowed to use deadly force to defend your own property let alone the national border.
Why fight vietnamese or koreans or muslims when jews invade your nation with all these foreign primitive monkeys?
Your ancestors are commended for having warrior spirit but criticized for not being smart enough to know their skill and courage was hijacked and exploited by evil people to fight on the side of evil goblin jews. Lots of brawn, but no brains.
Veterans should make attempts to intercept military recruitment today and inform children to NOT sign up for the military and why it is a terrible decision for a naive young man to make. "I made the same mistake and here is why you should learn from my mistake and not talk to that ZOG military recruiter."
We cannot stand by and allow young white courageous men to be tricked into signing their lives away to go fight for ZOG who hates them and their families. Jews don't give a shit about any of our white family members ending up in body bags over some ridiculous greedy jew provoked war.
No other country in the world has as many people with actual combat experience. Would you rather zionists used Russia or China as the sharp end of the spear? Then we'd end up with a bunch of people talking about war like yourself without people like myself knowing they have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.