posted ago by Mad_King_Kalak ago by Mad_King_Kalak +6 / -2

While Covid-19 is no worse than the flu, imagine an alternate world where it wasn't cooked up in a lab and released (on purpose or on accident, it doesn't matter for this thought experiment).

In this alternate world, another timeline maybe if you're into multiverses, Covid-19 doesn't exist. In this alternative world, also imagine there were no lockdowns and genome editing "vaccines". The disease just didn't exist. There is still human suffering from diseases, of course, but this alternate world does not have Covid-19, and thus zero suffering from it.

The better way to look at the human cost, therefore, is not to compare covid to the flu, but compare it to zero. Zero sickness from covid since it SHOULD NOT EXIST.

Year over year after entering human history, even as covid mutates to as harmless as the rest of the common cold coronaviruses, that is a massive level of human sickness, death, lost work, missed opportunities, and malaise that otherwise would not exist.