In a conspiracy context, could there be human clones walking the Earth right now?
Is it possible?
What would be the purpose?
Is there any evidence that supports the theory? Or anything that implies cloning is real?
In a conspiracy context, could there be human clones walking the Earth right now?
Is it possible?
What would be the purpose?
Is there any evidence that supports the theory? Or anything that implies cloning is real?
Does nothing (doesn't) puts one at odds with knowledge aka everything perceivable.
a) What if pumping hearts/Hz/hurts? No pain; no gain...
b) Why is it called HEMO (blood) GLOBIN (round mass, sphere, ball/ba'al)?
c) What can you tell me about Iron deficiency anemia and...
Still doesn't know.
Stillness contradicts knowledge. What if heart cannot stand still?
You don't even know what a heart does
Does a heart pump blood?