In a conspiracy context, could there be human clones walking the Earth right now?
Is it possible?
What would be the purpose?
Is there any evidence that supports the theory? Or anything that implies cloning is real?
In a conspiracy context, could there be human clones walking the Earth right now?
Is it possible?
What would be the purpose?
Is there any evidence that supports the theory? Or anything that implies cloning is real?
You don't even know what a heart does
Does a heart pump blood?
That’s the question I asked to you, about your heart
Each quests returns to where it started, hence coming to be (life) in (inception) and out (death) of origin.
Does one need to claim a heart as mine, and does a heart require others to suggest possession thereof as "yours"?
A heart beats in response to what? BEAT aka BE (being) AT (Hebrew; to come; direction towards)...and the beat goes on...
Man he still doesn't know.