CREDIT, noun - "reputation derived from the confidence of others; belief; faith; a reliance or resting of the mind on the truth of something said or done; in commerce, a trust; transfer of goods in confidence of future payment".
"no; nor" implies suggested nihil-ism (Latin nihilo; nothing) and ones consent to it implies creed/credit given. Those suggesting the -ism become the debtor of those accrediting the suggested by consent.
do ya have a boner for usury
a) Erecting exponential growth sounds like trouble.
b) Bank & Trust implies suggestion & consent aka buy & sell...buying into it establishes debtor & creditor.
c) U'SURY, noun (Latin usura, utor, to use) - "taking interest"...nature uses; those within re-use what nature offers. Interest (inter-esse) implies within essence, which one cannot take without ignoring that origin moves.
Being "in credit" to whom?
CREDIT, noun - "reputation derived from the confidence of others; belief; faith; a reliance or resting of the mind on the truth of something said or done; in commerce, a trust; transfer of goods in confidence of future payment".
Who is the debtor to your credit?
"no; nor" implies suggested nihil-ism (Latin nihilo; nothing) and ones consent to it implies creed/credit given. Those suggesting the -ism become the debtor of those accrediting the suggested by consent.
a) Erecting exponential growth sounds like trouble.
b) Bank & Trust implies suggestion & consent aka buy & sell...buying into it establishes debtor & creditor.
c) U'SURY, noun (Latin usura, utor, to use) - "taking interest"...nature uses; those within re-use what nature offers. Interest (inter-esse) implies within essence, which one cannot take without ignoring that origin moves.