a) Exposed implies "expression of position"...consenting to "so much exposed information" suggested by another tempts one to repress ones position, hence burdening self with so much exposure to others.
b) EX (out of; from) implies origin of being aka that which impresses (inception towards death) expressions (life). One can only discern this for self if one resists exposure to others.
c) Nature offers ALL (perceivable) to each ONE (perception) at any moment...others suggest less vs much reasoning to distract from that.
Nothing will happen
Nothing (Latin nihilo) implies suggested nihil-ism tempting ones consent to de-nial perceivable. Few suggest happenstance to tempt ones will to consent to denial of perceivable for suggested.
Everything (perceivable) can be denied for nothing (suggested)...if one WILLS it.
In that line of thinking; consider FIAT - "authoritative sanction; let it be done"...jews suggest fiction as fiat currency to tempt gentiles to authorize it by willingly consenting to denial perceivable reality aka natural current.
Suggestion implies fiat for perception.
point of it all
All (inception towards death) generates ones (life)...others suggest point (end of sentence) to tempt one to ignore self (life sentence).
Any point implies suggested progressivism tempting ones mind to focus on outcomes, while ignoring perceivable origin of thought.
everyone we've sold to you is a degenerate
a) Buying (consent) into what others are selling (suggestion) establishes a division (reason) within generation (perceivable) aka de-generation.
b) Being implies reactor (life) within generator (inception towards death)...buying into anything else destabilizes reactors during generation. If reactor ignores generation; then less re-generation.
c) Suggested pluralism (every one) inverts perceivable singularity (each one)...if one consents to it.
Do as though wilt
a) WILL implies WANT, which exists as expression (want) within impression (need).
b) If one ignores need (perceivable) for want (suggested); then...THOUGH, verb - "grant; admit; allow"...one permits another to will suggested for one.
Ones choice grants chosen ones permission.
c) Being implies RE (life) within DO (inception towards death) aka responding to being done by. So if one does as though wilt another, then one ignores to redo self, while permitting others to redo; renovate; to do over again etc.
a) Exposed implies "expression of position"...consenting to "so much exposed information" suggested by another tempts one to repress ones position, hence burdening self with so much exposure to others.
b) EX (out of; from) implies origin of being aka that which impresses (inception towards death) expressions (life). One can only discern this for self if one resists exposure to others.
c) Nature offers ALL (perceivable) to each ONE (perception) at any moment...others suggest less vs much reasoning to distract from that.
Nothing (Latin nihilo) implies suggested nihil-ism tempting ones consent to de-nial perceivable. Few suggest happenstance to tempt ones will to consent to denial of perceivable for suggested.
Everything (perceivable) can be denied for nothing (suggested)...if one WILLS it.
In that line of thinking; consider FIAT - "authoritative sanction; let it be done"...jews suggest fiction as fiat currency to tempt gentiles to authorize it by willingly consenting to denial perceivable reality aka natural current.
Suggestion implies fiat for perception.
All (inception towards death) generates ones (life)...others suggest point (end of sentence) to tempt one to ignore self (life sentence).
Any point implies suggested progressivism tempting ones mind to focus on outcomes, while ignoring perceivable origin of thought.
a) Buying (consent) into what others are selling (suggestion) establishes a division (reason) within generation (perceivable) aka de-generation.
b) Being implies reactor (life) within generator (inception towards death)...buying into anything else destabilizes reactors during generation. If reactor ignores generation; then less re-generation.
c) Suggested pluralism (every one) inverts perceivable singularity (each one)...if one consents to it.
a) WILL implies WANT, which exists as expression (want) within impression (need).
b) If one ignores need (perceivable) for want (suggested); then...THOUGH, verb - "grant; admit; allow"...one permits another to will suggested for one.
Ones choice grants chosen ones permission.
c) Being implies RE (life) within DO (inception towards death) aka responding to being done by. So if one does as though wilt another, then one ignores to redo self, while permitting others to redo; renovate; to do over again etc.