Rise of humanity (life) within fall (inception toward death)...
Nothing lasts
L'AST, adjective - "that follows all the others"...everything implies moving origin for each one within. Others suggest one to follow along suggested nothing (Latin nihilo...as in...nihil-ism and de-nial); which then implies that "nothing lasts".
democracies fail
Demos (people) Kratos (strength)...person (singular) wields strength; people (plural) implies submission of person to those who aggregate; collectivize; uni-form etc.
In short...nature sets apart; those within tempt each other together, so that nature breaks apart all those holding together, which in return permits a few to remain apart from a continuously breaking apart many.
Responding to presented implies as free will of choice...ignoring ones choice for a chosen ones "representation" implies submission of self to another, hence many being tempted to submit to few when seeking representation.
Rise of humanity (life) within fall (inception toward death)...
L'AST, adjective - "that follows all the others"...everything implies moving origin for each one within. Others suggest one to follow along suggested nothing (Latin nihilo...as in...nihil-ism and de-nial); which then implies that "nothing lasts".
Demos (people) Kratos (strength)...person (singular) wields strength; people (plural) implies submission of person to those who aggregate; collectivize; uni-form etc.
In short...nature sets apart; those within tempt each other together, so that nature breaks apart all those holding together, which in return permits a few to remain apart from a continuously breaking apart many.
Responding to presented implies as free will of choice...ignoring ones choice for a chosen ones "representation" implies submission of self to another, hence many being tempted to submit to few when seeking representation.