b) Text (the wording of anything written) implies suggested substitute (word) for perceivable differentiation (spectrum) within equal (sound).
we will give
a) Only one (singular) can wield free "will" of choice...suggested pluralism (we) requires ones consenting free will of choice to choose to ignore self for others.
b) Only balance gives choice; while "giving" consent to other choices implies ignoring ones choice, hence imbalance of self.
fully adopted
To adopt implies "take to one's self"...one cannot take full/entire/whole to one's self without ignoring to be partial (one) within whole (oneness).
Suggested "adopt" contradicts perceivable "adapt". Ones perception needs to adapt to all perceivable; while the suggestions by others tempt one to adopt them.
environmental causes
a) Suggested pluralism (causes) tempts singular (effect) to ignore self discernment within singularity (cause).
b) ENVIRON (surrounding) implies perceivable cause for ones perceiving MENT (mind) being affected by it.
Mind/memory can only exist at center of surrounding input.
a) Substitute (sub) contradicts equal (even)...suggested nihil-ism (not) tempts ones de-nial thereof.
b) Text (the wording of anything written) implies suggested substitute (word) for perceivable differentiation (spectrum) within equal (sound).
a) Only one (singular) can wield free "will" of choice...suggested pluralism (we) requires ones consenting free will of choice to choose to ignore self for others.
b) Only balance gives choice; while "giving" consent to other choices implies ignoring ones choice, hence imbalance of self.
To adopt implies "take to one's self"...one cannot take full/entire/whole to one's self without ignoring to be partial (one) within whole (oneness).
Suggested "adopt" contradicts perceivable "adapt". Ones perception needs to adapt to all perceivable; while the suggestions by others tempt one to adopt them.
a) Suggested pluralism (causes) tempts singular (effect) to ignore self discernment within singularity (cause).
b) ENVIRON (surrounding) implies perceivable cause for ones perceiving MENT (mind) being affected by it.
Mind/memory can only exist at center of surrounding input.