Always an aggregation; a group; a coming together...which aligns with tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together) or shevirat hakeilim (shattering of the vessels).
like this one...
...aka the ONE apart from ONE another; which ONE ignores when consenting to suggested aggregation; groups; coming together etc.
The CON in con-spire implies "together; with"; while SPIRO (Latin spiro; to breathe) implies as one (expression) within all (impression).
In be implies in-spire; ignoring this permits others to "con-spire".
Always an aggregation; a group; a coming together...which aligns with tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together) or shevirat hakeilim (shattering of the vessels).
...aka the ONE apart from ONE another; which ONE ignores when consenting to suggested aggregation; groups; coming together etc.
The CON in con-spire implies "together; with"; while SPIRO (Latin spiro; to breathe) implies as one (expression) within all (impression).
In be implies in-spire; ignoring this permits others to "con-spire".
with treacherous machinations
a) Treason (treacherous) implies against another; artificial work (machina) implies from another...both tempt one to ignore self for others.
b) Before one can view self as WITH others; one exists WITH-IN all.