Why are midwits continuously fooled by "Tech Porn"?
Being implies temporary (life) within ongoing (inception towards death)...ignoring this for suggested progressivism tempts a midwit to continuously follow artificial (tech) lust (porn).
It requires wit/wise/to know/to perceive...to realize that temporary needs to resist ongoing as to prolong continuance of being.
In short...all tech porn tempts one to ignore that which is for that which might be. Falling for this reduces the might of being.
Being implies temporary (life) within ongoing (inception towards death)...ignoring this for suggested progressivism tempts a midwit to continuously follow artificial (tech) lust (porn).
It requires wit/wise/to know/to perceive...to realize that temporary needs to resist ongoing as to prolong continuance of being.
In short...all tech porn tempts one to ignore that which is for that which might be. Falling for this reduces the might of being.