'Israel' is a country.
A country with many factions.
One can't convict 'Israel'.
The term is actually a scapegoat for all sides.
Many factions within 'Israel' were involved in the jfk debacle.
Factions join at the top. In that way I think we meet.
Just as they do at their international conferences. (formerly masked balls)
The Rubensteins and Marcellos, DeMorenschilds and Willoughbys,
The Donovans and the Gehlens.
The Mengeles and the Obamas, the Shiffs and the Bushes.
Frankfurt School, Situationists International, Tavistock, Boule, World Vision, Opus Dei, etc ad naseum.
Incorporating all ancient rites and translating/reinterpreting the Kabala and Torah as well........claiming all religions........they are Luciferian Theosophists all, of various levels, with varied 'need to know' operating a global placement/replacement system with trafficking as a favorite sidegig.
Same as it ever was.
I still retain a copy of my local paper that I saved the day it happened. It's in amazingly good shape still, as I kept it in plastic.
Then began a lifelong journey down many rabbitholes before the term 'conspiracy theory' was even foisted. Lucky enough to live near a unusually savvy library that carried shelves full of the first books on said subject and others. Continuing that into university libraries, 'underground' libraries and microfilms. Decades of comparative study of book sources about this subject shows each to contain various mixtures of information as well as mis and disinformation. Nagel died in prison, but not from propaganda. His story showed the ties-at-the-top of the Intel world of his day. It also asserts his confusion about the hierarchy behind what he found to be a global cabal. There are lots of 'inconsistencies' in every character's representation. Lies within truths within lies. Etc.
I bought two of the first edition books when they were released, knowing they'd go up in value and become rare.
One book, let alone documentary couldn't possibly hold but a tiny fraction of the information needed to truly answer who or what did that deed.
I see that you get that there is a supposed 'Chosen Group' who identify as Elite.
You don't have to misrepresent Nagell and his story, which dishonors the only enlisted man to ever receive the Congressional Medal of Honor, just saying.
I say that in the spirit of welcoming honest, informed discourse, so if you provide examples of your claim of some falsehood perpetrated by the book, I really would like to hear the point and then one of us can become more informed which should be the goal in the first place.
I highly recommend a book to you. It's called 'The Man Who Knew Too Much' by Richard Case Nagell
'Israel' is a country. A country with many factions. One can't convict 'Israel'. The term is actually a scapegoat for all sides.
Many factions within 'Israel' were involved in the jfk debacle. Factions join at the top. In that way I think we meet. Just as they do at their international conferences. (formerly masked balls)
The Rubensteins and Marcellos, DeMorenschilds and Willoughbys, The Donovans and the Gehlens.
The Mengeles and the Obamas, the Shiffs and the Bushes.
Frankfurt School, Situationists International, Tavistock, Boule, World Vision, Opus Dei, etc ad naseum.
Incorporating all ancient rites and translating/reinterpreting the Kabala and Torah as well........claiming all religions........they are Luciferian Theosophists all, of various levels, with varied 'need to know' operating a global placement/replacement system with trafficking as a favorite sidegig.
Same as it ever was.
I still retain a copy of my local paper that I saved the day it happened. It's in amazingly good shape still, as I kept it in plastic.
Then began a lifelong journey down many rabbitholes before the term 'conspiracy theory' was even foisted. Lucky enough to live near a unusually savvy library that carried shelves full of the first books on said subject and others. Continuing that into university libraries, 'underground' libraries and microfilms. Decades of comparative study of book sources about this subject shows each to contain various mixtures of information as well as mis and disinformation. Nagel died in prison, but not from propaganda. His story showed the ties-at-the-top of the Intel world of his day. It also asserts his confusion about the hierarchy behind what he found to be a global cabal. There are lots of 'inconsistencies' in every character's representation. Lies within truths within lies. Etc.
I bought two of the first edition books when they were released, knowing they'd go up in value and become rare.
One book, let alone documentary couldn't possibly hold but a tiny fraction of the information needed to truly answer who or what did that deed.
I see that you get that there is a supposed 'Chosen Group' who identify as Elite.
You don't have to misrepresent Nagell and his story, which dishonors the only enlisted man to ever receive the Congressional Medal of Honor, just saying.
I say that in the spirit of welcoming honest, informed discourse, so if you provide examples of your claim of some falsehood perpetrated by the book, I really would like to hear the point and then one of us can become more informed which should be the goal in the first place.