Lol, I dont think they are gonna depopulate the world with something like the mmr.
WIth that being said, im dying faster because of my kidney or my parathyroid, my last concern is getting another mmr booster. Ill pass. I had a shingles rash recently running down my arm in a line, I dont even remember getting chicken pox as a kid. Fucking weird. Luckily it healed up and went away, last thing I need is shingles right now.
But whatever is happening, I think I can guess its because they are edging on another covid mandatory shot. So they have to demonize antivaxxers.
Seen this article this morning, fucking retards just foaming at the mouth like rabid animals.
20 years ago we were dropping robots on Mars and unlocking the secrets of the human genome as a society and today we have to be worried about our kids getting measles and polio again because a bunch of mouth-breathers read on the internet that that vaccines have nanotechnology in them to alter your voting habits or some dumb shit. How far we have fallen.
so many things are fucking us over in Nova Scotia, now the antivaxxers get their turn. anyone have this on their 2024 bingo card?
God these people are walking pharma advertisement boards.
I dont think one fucking idiot read the actual article.
It's due to falling vaccination rates because of the impacts of COVID-19, lack of access to care and also some of the anti-immunization sentiment in the last few years.
If you don't know if you've been immunized at all, then getting another dose of the MMR or MMRV vaccine — certainly a single dose if not two doses — there's no real risk from that.
I was born in the 80's, I definitely got my 3 shots for mmr and a few others, chickenpox/smallpox being one of them. I think 20 years later they want something like 20+ shots on a child through their development, thats crazy. Maybe if you were living in the rain forest or something, but in america?
Doesnt mention either, alot of these cases are "breakthrough" variants lately. The vaccines are failing because they likely need to be reformulated, but where the fuck is the money in that? LOL
They could have eradicated measles 40 years ago if they wanted to, but it wasnt deemed cost effective. Unlike covid, there is no animal reservoir with measles, eradication is totally possible. But sadly, individual lives do not matter to the government, again, there is no money in it. Im talking about america, not crown shit holes like canada.
"The virus is related to several viruses that infect animals, including the Canine Distemper Virus. Primates can be infected in vitro but humans are the only reservoir for the measles virus which, theoretically, could be eradicated from the world."
Individuals at increased risk of measles include infants who are too young to be immunised,** people in whom the vaccine has failed to induce immunity (primary vaccine failure)**, and individuals who for medical, religious or other reasons have not been immunised.
Why are people so retarded. Why they MUST compare the covid shot to something like the MMR which has a 98% efficacy rate. Compared to covid which doesnt EVEN stop transmission, but merely reduces symptoms. The very definition of a "leaky" vaccine.
No way to tell me quicker your a neanderthal who lets their emotions rule their thought than to say its the same thing. God I hate normys. I fucking hate them.
Lol, I dont think they are gonna depopulate the world with something like the mmr.
WIth that being said, im dying faster because of my kidney or my parathyroid, my last concern is getting another mmr booster. Ill pass. I had a shingles rash recently running down my arm in a line, I dont even remember getting chicken pox as a kid. Fucking weird. Luckily it healed up and went away, last thing I need is shingles right now.
But whatever is happening, I think I can guess its because they are edging on another covid mandatory shot. So they have to demonize antivaxxers.
Seen this article this morning, fucking retards just foaming at the mouth like rabid animals.
God these people are walking pharma advertisement boards.
I dont think one fucking idiot read the actual article.
I was born in the 80's, I definitely got my 3 shots for mmr and a few others, chickenpox/smallpox being one of them. I think 20 years later they want something like 20+ shots on a child through their development, thats crazy. Maybe if you were living in the rain forest or something, but in america?
Doesnt mention either, alot of these cases are "breakthrough" variants lately. The vaccines are failing because they likely need to be reformulated, but where the fuck is the money in that? LOL
They could have eradicated measles 40 years ago if they wanted to, but it wasnt deemed cost effective. Unlike covid, there is no animal reservoir with measles, eradication is totally possible. But sadly, individual lives do not matter to the government, again, there is no money in it. Im talking about america, not crown shit holes like canada.
Why are people so retarded. Why they MUST compare the covid shot to something like the MMR which has a 98% efficacy rate. Compared to covid which doesnt EVEN stop transmission, but merely reduces symptoms. The very definition of a "leaky" vaccine.
No way to tell me quicker your a neanderthal who lets their emotions rule their thought than to say its the same thing. God I hate normys. I fucking hate them.