posted ago by Merely_a_conduit ago by Merely_a_conduit +12 / -0

In my opinion the definition of masculinity has been skewed to encourage an artificial stereotype of what defines a man. I say this standing on the shoulders of giants, in my life I've had many mentors that have shown me what it means to be a man. Its been said you can tell the size of a man by the size of what makes him angry Men in this society have been told to fill their days as indentured servants working for nameless faceless wealthy corporate overlords They want you to be so tired you can't fight for what we all know is right They want you to think happiness can be bought with the money they print on our backs. They want you to watch free porn and hook up with loose women because they say that's what a man is. A man is someone who is careful with his heart and the hearts of those he loves. A man has virtue, integrity and honor.A man is honest and truthful, a man puts truth above emotions. A man does not stand idle while they destroy the world they think the imaginary numbers in their bank accounts have earned them. I do not consent to corporations raping the world, to destroying where your fucking children will live! They want you in chains while they rape the world, the gift God gave to all of us. They want you SCARED! They want you to be women. Please expound if you want