a) Did you knew that the jew who coined schizophrenia (eugene bleuler) and the jew who was coined "father of psychoanalysis" (sigismund schlomo freud) conspired with one another to conquer psychiatry?
Could it be that gentiles psychoanalyzing each other as schizos; over a century after the aforementioned conspiracy, implies a successful conquering of the gentile mind?
b) Are you a person or a people? How does nature count? Can one form without flow? Can one hold onto inspiration? What if holding onto a truth; while within change, makes it a lie?
Can you answer any of these questions for yourself without psychoanalyzing others?
c) SCHIZO; noun (Greek skhizo) - "division; split; separate"...being one apart from one another implies a schism/schizo.
merely a conduit
Withing the merely (only) conduit (inception towards death) many channels (life) exist among one another...others suggest channels to distract from perceivable conduit.
a) Did you knew that the jew who coined schizophrenia (eugene bleuler) and the jew who was coined "father of psychoanalysis" (sigismund schlomo freud) conspired with one another to conquer psychiatry?
Could it be that gentiles psychoanalyzing each other as schizos; over a century after the aforementioned conspiracy, implies a successful conquering of the gentile mind?
b) Are you a person or a people? How does nature count? Can one form without flow? Can one hold onto inspiration? What if holding onto a truth; while within change, makes it a lie?
Can you answer any of these questions for yourself without psychoanalyzing others?
c) SCHIZO; noun (Greek skhizo) - "division; split; separate"...being one apart from one another implies a schism/schizo.
Withing the merely (only) conduit (inception towards death) many channels (life) exist among one another...others suggest channels to distract from perceivable conduit.
You tangentially dissect my statements and answer questions with questions, that's all you had to say schizo!
To dissect another ones state of mind implies a split; division; separation...schism/schizo.
There you just did it again! You don't get outside much do you? I bet you are the life of the party.
And gentiles keep wondering how YOU/JEW hold power...
Free will of choice implies within balance aka in-between (life) sides (inception/death).
Hence; partial (life) within whole (inception towards death).
Whenever few suggest "party"; then to distract many from being partial within whole.
Like for example: "Party (partial) in the city (center) where the heat (cause of sensation) is on" ... https://genius.com/Will-smith-miami-lyrics