Funny, the true Star of Remphan looks like $ and not *. The hexagram may well be the red shield now but was never King David's shield or King Solomon's seal, which were both Yahshua. By its scattershot inclusionism, the art accidentally hits upon the truth that the dollar (dale-r, meaning heath-en) is a continuation of much more history than the hexagram.
Funny, the true Star of Remphan looks like $ and not *. The hexagram may well be the red shield now but was never King David's shield or King Solomon's seal, which were both Yahshua. By its scattershot inclusionism, the art accidentally hits upon the truth that the dollar (dale-r, meaning heath-en) is a continuation of much more history than the hexagram.
Where can I find the interview at the beginning of the video? The rest is crap tbh
The rest is absolutely true btw, what you really mean is that the music is crap which I can accept because God our creator made us all different.