Well, you mean solar flare also eat all our food reserve and vapourized few tons of coal and firewood? Then there are nothing to worry about anymore - we are definitely already dead, and moving stright to the next level. :)
An amount of time has passed and you continue to cast imaginary spells and your family starts to worry.
Why should they? There are tons of wood in forest, it will took them dozen minutes to collect enough firewood to keep house warm even if I will be too lazy to do that.
Don't tell me that "solar flash" also vapourised our forest and so on.
has caused your mother-in-law to pass away from malnutrition and lack of salt.
Wait, solar flare also vapourised salt? You mean Sodium Chloride with melting temperature around 800°C and who knows boiling one?
We definitely on the next level. :)
There are 6 men and two women.
Slightly tired of them, really. They definitely bring me their broken electronic crap to repair. Again. As always. Well, I fix some of their electronic shit and they are happy, as always, and don't hesitate to provide us with everything necessary and much more, as always.
But I still not shure if all that stuff is applicable for next level. :)
Well, you mean solar flare also eat all our food reserve and vapourized few tons of coal and firewood? Then there are nothing to worry about anymore - we are definitely already dead, and moving stright to the next level. :)
Do you have a lore and rules for next level?
Well, I don't know rules for next level, and even don't know if the concept of "survival" is applicable here at all.
Why should they? There are tons of wood in forest, it will took them dozen minutes to collect enough firewood to keep house warm even if I will be too lazy to do that.
Don't tell me that "solar flash" also vapourised our forest and so on.
Wait, solar flare also vapourised salt? You mean Sodium Chloride with melting temperature around 800°C and who knows boiling one?
We definitely on the next level. :)
Slightly tired of them, really. They definitely bring me their broken electronic crap to repair. Again. As always. Well, I fix some of their electronic shit and they are happy, as always, and don't hesitate to provide us with everything necessary and much more, as always.
But I still not shure if all that stuff is applicable for next level. :)