64 Conspiracy theory confirmed: Signal "encrypted" messaging platform is actually US intelligence asset (media.conspiracies.win) posted 318 days ago by KiloRomeo 318 days ago by KiloRomeo +64 / -0 54 comments download share 54 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Signal is centralized and owner of the server is not you. That's all you need to know to not trust it for any sensitive information.
Unfortunately, computer literacy of population is below zero.
People don't know what they don't know.
It's more than that. We are intentionally kept ignorant. Very few of those famous youtube tech bro faggots ever say it point blank. They'll shill that next iPhone pretty hard though.
Yeah but you got doxed or something bro kek.
And that will be only your own fault.
Hm. May be that's why sheeple don't even think about using something decentralized for messaging?
a) Notice that a center (perception) receives signals from circumference (perceivable).
b) Could there be different centers (life) within same circumference (inception towards death)?
c) Can a receiver (perception) differentiate between eminent signal (suggestion) and common signal (perceivable)?