posted ago by newfunturistic ago by newfunturistic +10 / -4

Resuming reading this Masonic & Occult Symbols Illust by Dr. Cathy Burns, pdf I had paused. See this Rael Movement logo where it's a star of David and inside is a swastika. Heard of this stuff over the years.. I'm there.. is that guy still alive. He is, age 77. Look 'em up. Check the site then scroll down for link to see how many followers on instagram.. 1200. lol.

I ask bing AI..

what's the deal with this rael guy.. was he tripping on drugs and saw things back in the early 70's, then started a cult?

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Rael is the founder and leader of the Raëlian Movement, an international UFO religion that believes that an extraterrestrial species called the Elohim created humanity using their advanced technology12. He claims that he had an encounter with one of the Elohim, named Yahweh, in 1973, who told him to spread their message to the world1. He has written several books and traveled the world to promote his beliefs1. He also advocates for sensual meditation, geniocracy, cloning, and economic humanitarianism13.

Some people may think that Rael was hallucinating or lying about his experience, and that he started a cult to manipulate and exploit his followers. Others may respect his right to express his views and practice his faith, as long as he does not harm anyone or violate any laws. There is no definitive answer to whether Rael was tripping on drugs or saw things, as it depends on one’s perspective and interpretation of the evidence.

ok so what did he have to say about when he got contacted.. what was the deal there

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According to Rael, he was driving near a volcano in France when he saw a bright light in the sky. He followed the light to a clearing, where he saw a silver flying saucer. A small humanoid being came out of the saucer and greeted him telepathically. The being told him that his name was Yahweh and that he was one of the Elohim, the creators of life on Earth. He invited Rael to enter the saucer, where he showed him a screen that displayed the history of humanity and the Elohim’s interventions. He also gave him a message to share with the world, which was the basis of the Raëlian Movement123. Rael said that he felt a strong connection with Yahweh and that he was chosen to be his messenger4. He also claimed that he had several other encounters with the Elohim over the years, and that they taught him various secrets and techniques2.

what if a being was "lying" to him and it wasn't yahweh

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That is an interesting question. If the being that contacted Rael was lying to him and it wasn’t Yahweh, then there are several possible scenarios:

The being was another Elohim who wanted to test Rael’s faith or play a prank on him. This would imply that the Elohim have a sense of humor or curiosity, and that they do not mind deceiving humans for their own amusement or purposes. The being was an impostor from another planet or dimension who wanted to manipulate Rael for some unknown reason. This would imply that there are other intelligent species in the universe or multiverse, and that some of them have malicious intentions or agendas towards humans or the Elohim. The being was a product of Rael’s imagination or subconscious, influenced by his cultural background or personal desires. This would imply that Rael was either delusional, hallucinating, or dreaming, and that he projected his own fantasies or fears onto the encounter. Of course, these are just hypothetical scenarios, and there is no definitive way to prove or disprove any of them. The only way to know for sure what happened to Rael is to ask him directly, or to have a similar experience oneself. However, one should always be careful and critical when dealing with such extraordinary claims, and not accept them blindly or reject them outright. As the saying goes, “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”.

and now if you check the rael site.. they think this guy's a "messiah" and everything he says is he's now a god.. but he isn't.. he just bumped into them. So how can he now become a god where you gotta take what he says more seriously. You'd think it'd only be what they told him to say, then he'd run out of "wisdom". They didn't make him more "wise", right?

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Rael’s followers consider him a “messiah” and a “god” because they believe that he is the final prophet sent by the Elohim to prepare humanity for their return1. They also believe that he has received special knowledge and abilities from the Elohim, such as the power to heal, to levitate, and to communicate telepathically1. They regard his teachings as the ultimate truth and the way to achieve happiness and eternal life1.

However, not everyone agrees with Rael’s claims or his followers’ beliefs. Some people may question his credibility, his motives, or his sources of information. Some people may also challenge his interpretation of the Elohim’s message, or his authority to speak on their behalf. Some people may even doubt the existence of the Elohim altogether, or their role as the creators of humanity.

Ultimately, whether Rael is a “messiah”, a “god”, or a “fraud” is a matter of personal opinion and faith. There is no definitive way to prove or disprove his assertions, as they are based on his own experiences and revelations. The only way to evaluate his wisdom is to examine his words and actions, and compare them with other sources of knowledge and morality. As the saying goes, “by their fruits you will know them”.

has this occured to anybody else in history where, what was it.. aliens supposedly bumped into this guy and told him stuff like that?

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There have been many reports of alien encounters throughout history, some of which are similar to Rael’s story. For example, in 1952, George Adamski claimed that he met a Venusian named Orthon in the California desert, who told him about the dangers of nuclear war and the existence of other civilizations in the solar system1. In 1975, Travis Walton said that he was abducted by a UFO while working as a logger in Arizona, and that he spent five days on board a spaceship with various types of aliens2. In 1987, Whitley Strieber wrote a best-selling book called Communion, in which he described his experiences of being visited and examined by grey aliens in his cabin in upstate New York3.

These are just a few examples of the many alleged alien encounters that have been reported by different people around the world. Some of them have been investigated by the authorities, the media, or the scientific community, but none of them have been conclusively proven or disproven. Some people may believe that these encounters are genuine and that they reveal important truths about the universe and ourselves. Others may dismiss them as hoaxes, hallucinations, or misinterpretations of natural phenomena. As with Rael’s case, the validity of these encounters depends largely on one’s personal opinion and faith.

these seem to "stop" after the 80's right? and UFO sightings like they had in the 70's and 80's.. you'd think there'd be way more footage now that everybody has a phone.

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Actually, UFO sightings have not stopped after the 80’s. According to the National UFO Reporting Center, there were around 5,000 reported sightings in 2022, which is higher than the numbers in 2018 and 20211. However, this is still lower than the peaks of 8,800 in 2014 and 7,400 in 20202. The Pentagon also released three annual reports on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) from 2021 to 2023, which analyzed 801 sightings that date back to 199634. Of these, more than 100 remain unexplained4.

One possible reason why there are not more footage of UFOs now that everybody has a phone is that the quality of the cameras and the videos are not very reliable or convincing. Many of the videos are blurry, shaky, or too far away to see any details. Some of them could also be easily faked or manipulated with digital tools. Another possible reason is that people are less interested or curious about UFOs now than they were in the past, or that they are more skeptical or cynical about the phenomenon. Some people may also be afraid or reluctant to report their sightings, due to the stigma or ridicule that they might face from others.

have you checked what this rael guy had to say, compared to testimony from others? How does it stack up

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I have searched the web for some comparisons between Rael’s testimony and other alien encounter testimonies. I found that there are some similarities and some differences between them. For example, Rael and George Adamski both claimed to have met benevolent aliens who gave them a message of peace and warned them about the dangers of nuclear war12. However, Rael said that the aliens were the creators of humanity, while Adamski said that they were from Venus12. Rael and Travis Walton both said that they were taken aboard a spaceship and shown various screens and devices32. However, Rael said that he was invited and treated kindly, while Walton said that he was abducted and experimented on32. Rael and Whitley Strieber both described the aliens as small and humanoid, with large eyes and pale skin2 . However, Rael said that they communicated telepathically, while Strieber said that they spoke in a high-pitched voice2 .

These are just a few examples of how Rael’s testimony stacks up against other testimonies. Of course, there are many more factors and details that could be considered, such as the credibility of the witnesses, the evidence of the encounters, and the consistency of the stories. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide how much they trust or believe in these testimonies, and what they mean for their own worldview and spirituality.

looking up this guy on that has vast sub pages of conspiracy material. Starting on his page.. it says:

Rael will clone you for only $1,000,000.00!

Isn't that illegal?

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The legality of human cloning varies depending on the country and the type of cloning. According to my web search, human cloning is generally divided into two categories: therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning. Therapeutic cloning involves creating cloned cells or tissues for medical purposes, such as organ transplants or stem cell research. Reproductive cloning involves creating a whole cloned human being, which is considered more controversial and unethical12

In Canada, where Rael and his movement are based, both therapeutic and reproductive cloning are illegal under the Assisted Human Reproduction Act. The law prohibits creating a human clone by any technique, or transplanting a human clone into a human or any other life form. The law also prohibits creating an in vitro embryo for any purpose other than creating a human being or improving assisted reproduction procedures3

In the United States, there is no federal law prohibiting human cloning, but several states have laws that directly ban or permit different forms of cloning. For example, California, Massachusetts, and New Jersey allow therapeutic cloning but prohibit reproductive cloning, while Arizona, Arkansas, and Michigan ban both types of cloning4

In many other countries, such as France, Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom, human reproductive cloning is also banned by law, while therapeutic cloning is either allowed or regulated24

Therefore, Rael’s offer to clone anyone for a million dollars is illegal in most countries, and would likely face legal and ethical challenges if he attempted to do so.

this guy lives in canada now? I thought he was from france

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You are right, Rael was born in France in 1946, and he started his movement there in 19741. However, he moved to Canada in 1998, after facing legal troubles and accusations of pedophilia in France2. He obtained the Canadian citizenship in 2003, and he currently lives in Quebec, where he has a large number of followers23. He also travels frequently to Japan, where he has another base of operations4.

how come he didn't get extradited

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That is a good question. I searched the web for some information about Rael’s extradition, but I did not find any clear or official answer. However, I found some possible explanations based on the articles I read:

Rael may have avoided extradition by obtaining the Canadian citizenship in 2003, which could have given him some legal protection from being sent back to France12.

Rael may have also benefited from the lack of an extradition treaty between Canada and France at the time of his move. According to the Department of Justice Canada, the current treaty between the two countries came into force in 20103, which means that before that, there was no formal agreement on how to handle extradition requests. Rael may have also escaped extradition by moving to Japan, where he has another base of operations2. Japan is known for being reluctant to extradite its citizens or residents to other countries, especially for non-violent crimes.

These are just some possible reasons why Rael did not get extradited, but they are not confirmed or verified by any official source. Therefore, they should be taken with a grain of salt. The only way to know for sure why Rael did not get extradited is to ask the authorities involved in the case, or to access the legal documents related to it. However, these may not be available to the public, or may be subject to confidentiality or privacy laws.