posted ago by Traps4GME ago by Traps4GME +6 / -2

Revelation Retards: We are living in the end of times the Revelation Retard will swear up and down. It is ok if I don't do anything, Jesus is going to come down and save us! Never acknowledging that Justice and God's wrath is delivered by the Righteous man's sword, not lightning bolts from the clouds. Resolution > Revelation

Broke Bitches: The Broke Bitch will constantly tell you that the Financial System is just imaginary Fiat Currency. There's no point in getting a job, buying land and passing generational wealth to your several white children(Upholding the 14 words) because the Jews will just thwart your plans.

Doomsday Dipshits: The Doomsday Dipshit thinks stockpiling canned foods, and firearms for the collapse that is going to happen any day now is all that is needed. The Collapse will never come, and the Doomsday Dipshit will never realize the war against the Jews will carry on multi-generationally.

Sobriety Sucker: The Sobriety Sucker constantly battles with alcoholism or other substance, chasing congratulations for being 30 days clean, only to relapse again. The keychain you got at your AA meetings looks cool, now go accomplish something Sobriety Sucker!

5D-Chess Faggot: The 5D-Chess Faggot always thinks any event or accomplishment by his brothers in shifting the overton window is all apart of the Jews elaborate schemes. He gives the Jews more credit for intelligence than Pathological Lying Parasites deserve.

If you fall into one or more of these categories, STOP THAT SHIT!!! 😎