Comments (17)
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You are creepy and I hate the antiChrist!
Human creativity is about to be drowned out by a flood of amalgamated AI generated content. If you thought the arts were bad now you ain't seen nothing yet
Indeed, sick and sad. I think there's a deeper meaning behind it.
Just like all this tech they give us, you can use it wisely or be a tool
Dude I'm not marketing it, I'm trying to sound the alarm and you're always getting in my way. What gives?
Seems harmless. Add you human opinion when you post, because ya, it looks like you think AI is cool.
I mean, that's ok. I love using AI for work and personal projects, but I'm ungovernable and already know all the bullshit info not to trust. So AI is perfectly safe for me. But for most people, it's just another programing tool to brainwash and support the deceptive narrative of where we are, how we got got here, and who's on charge, and that we can't go anywhere cause we've already explored the whole planet.
Perhaps I have a habit of posting/writing things mid thought and assume people know where I'm coming from. Here are the first posts from last year: https://m.scored.co/p/15JAJiAZAl
I do not like AI, if I'm correct, It's the only thing I hate.
How much experience do you have using ChatGPT, or Midjourney? Or the tools on canva or Photoshop. It's pretty great, but they are just tools for software. It helps with productivity but, it can't do what it wants. It's just a neutered tool.
Maybe the secret agents have an unrestricted AI that we hear rumors about, but I never used it. What I have used, I can see is not that big of a deal. No reason to hate what's available now in AI.
Maybe what comes, but who knows.
I have never made a conscious choice to talk to robots, no thanks. I think it's a conspiracy. I think they want you to think it's just a tool but it's not a tool like you think it's a tool. Have you heard of the tower of babel? One universal language enabled almost everyone once strangers to eachother to communicate and attempt to 'overthrow' God. Demons were behind that and this is the new version. It's all connected! DNA editing, new pregnancy mechanisms, neuromorphic computers, biological enhancement with technology, and it all is controlled by AI, mark my words. There will be global surveillance and biometric scanning and implantable devices. This is biblical and I don't want anyone to choose to be with evil forces. Do not go gently into that goodnight!
Here's the story if anyone's interested: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%2011&version=HCSB
We are in Global Babylon, I think.
Ya, of course. I have come full circle and know exactly what I am dealing with. You have an idea and a believe.
You do you, but don't be a pussy.
How fake and gay AI is? Or maybe it's all a smoke screen? Idk I thought I was in a theorizing space where I was free to theorize, even outlandishly. It all seems crazy til you find out it's true. I hope to be wrong. In the case that I'm not, I'd like to share info so the people wanting to resist can be better prepared for what they're up against. Step off me, mate.
Lmao I looked into it, turns out shit is really hard and takes alot of time and patience. You also have to be like really good at math and programming and stuff.
If its ez for you, I suggest maybe making a career out of it.
There is a reason china wants these new nvidia chips bad, and ofc nvidia is going to make it happen. God knows what they are doing with it.
Designing virus's? New nuclear weapons? Designing a A.I. to watch and control populations. I shudder at what they got planned for them.
Its not like we can avoid it forever, but things need to slow down, were not ready for the power that these kinds of tools can give us.