No matter how economically hard it is, homeschooling your kids in a home school community with other homeschooling parents is better than exposing them to school librarians and drag queens.
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I don't know why parents are so lazy... Even our conservative friends. They continue to allow their kids to go to public school "because it's fine" no it's not. Homeschooling doesn't even take a lot of time either. It's max 3 hours when they're older. You can also find other parents and share teaching. I plan on doing it by any means necessary if we have a child. Still working on that part. I've already decided that way before because I've seen the horrors even from our local schools that they claim is one of the best school districts in the state. It's not. They're asking kindergartens about pronouns and saying these kids who identify as cats need litter boxes. It's gross. That's probably the lighter issues too.
I was homeschooling for years and my oldest wanted to go back as high school was approaching.
I had to do less work honeschooling than I do public schooling.
First off, the main complaint I get from my kids is "I'm bored, we never learn anything", and they're quite far ahead of their classes, so clearly I taught them enough. Most of what I taught them was chores and responsibility, which schools don't even try to cover.
Second, I'm in the school every other day with a problem for the principal, which is far less useful than creating lessons and activities.
If they're going to be in school, I'm going to be "that" parent, bringing up fag flags in the kindergarden room and debunking BLM propaganda. I straight up told the principal that I wasn't going to tolerate indoctrination, which I defined as anything trying to tell kids what to think, rather than giving them objective information, and there's been some fallout from that.
By all means homeschool, but if the amount of work you're doing to teach your kids yourself is less than what you were doing when they were in school, you should have been more involved anyway.
Very, VERY true. So many parents no longer want to parent. This is where public school stepped in, and then women working. Now most can't even afford to live on two salaries, let alone one. Daycare is expensive and typically only offered for kids too young for school. So bring in the age of public school.... YAY...NOT. Parents should be involved in any aspect of their child's lives...including and not limited to their education (whichever way it might be) Maybe some also have thought "oh they're safe at school" I just need to monitor their activities online and outside of school. Welp, YOU'RE WRONG...this is why it was such an easy target for all these crazies. Sitting ducks...
I'd do the exact same IF I did end up sending our kids to a public school or EVEN private school. No school is to be trusted ever. You need to keep on their ass and make sure what is going on there. If only everyone would realize that...
I remember the teachers I had as a kid. I had a few weird ones, but many were traditional, sweet teachers. I can't imagine having these things they call teachers today...I'd want to leave if I was a kid. They look insane.
I'm not nearly rich enough to afford homeschooling AND paying rent. Must be nice, bro.
Yea seriously. Who the hell is working a good enough job that one spouse can stay home.
I see engineers in halifax bitching about the price of things, really makes me realize how fucked things are becoming.
Doable if you want to live in the country and live poor most of the time. But most people arent willing to give up all their creature comforts, like starbucks.
And there it is. I get tired of trying to explain this to people who try that "who can even do that? it's not possible unless you're rich" BS.
Yes, it's absolutely possible for anyone, but sometimes you need to downsize and sacrifice a bit. Most people cannot even begin to wrap their heads around that reality. To them, downsizing a bit is the equivalent of living on the streets and fighting off other homeless people over the dead squirrel you found for dinner.
They have zero ability to comprehend that they are choosing conveniences for themselves over the freedom of their kids.
These are the same people that just took the jabs when they were threatened. They think some hero should come save them, and that is the only way they can ever live free again.
There's always a way. The difference is between those who will sacrifice to get there, and those that will fold once faced with the slightest inconvenience. TPTB know that 80% of people are in that latter group.
This is not debatable.
Uh...except this. ---------------------------- ^
Parents need to start forming parent unions to combat the teacher unions.
We do.
And make more asocial christian cult weirdos? YUCK!
This is what media conditioning looks like. Sad really.
No he’s a Jew.