| In exchange the Anunnaki seize the gold mined by humanity.
Advanced space-faring civilization. Craves gold. Never thinks to send robotic miners to the asteroid belt which contains far more easily-accessible gold than we've manage to extract from the thin layer of the Earth's crust that we're able to mine.
You see what I mean though? There are so many of these stories where supposedly advanced civilizations are advanced only in name and engage in bronze-age level exploits.
Truth, based on truth or utter fiction, does it matter? Your ancestors died in ignorance. Nothing you do here will change anything in your life or America.
EM'PEROR, noun (Latin impero, to command) - "to bid; to order; to direct; to charge".
Natural order directs (inception towards death) charges (life)...those within tempt each other into consenting to follow BID, verb (Latin peto) - "to ask, to desire, to beseech, to request; to invite".
Following the suggested orders by others, tempts one to lose charge (resistance) within perceivable (velocity). If resistance (life) ignores velocity (inception towards death); then velocity diminishes resistance quicker.
a) ANNUN (Latin annuncio; to deliver a message) + AKI (akin; allied by nature)
b) nature generates allies by setting itself apart from whole (perceivable) into partials (perception)...others utilize suggestion to deliver messages of temptation as to lure partials back together.
Suggestions such as...e pluribus unum (out of many; one) or tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together) or abrahamism (father of multitude) or united states; united nations; european union or unicode; uniform; universe or mass migration; miscegenation; melting pot; multiculturalism or equality (same) through diversity (different) etc.
| In exchange the Anunnaki seize the gold mined by humanity.
Advanced space-faring civilization. Craves gold. Never thinks to send robotic miners to the asteroid belt which contains far more easily-accessible gold than we've manage to extract from the thin layer of the Earth's crust that we're able to mine.
You see what I mean though? There are so many of these stories where supposedly advanced civilizations are advanced only in name and engage in bronze-age level exploits.
And im mickey mouse
Truth, based on truth or utter fiction, does it matter? Your ancestors died in ignorance. Nothing you do here will change anything in your life or America.
So advanced that the they didn't come back for the gold in the federal reserve! :-p
EM'PEROR, noun (Latin impero, to command) - "to bid; to order; to direct; to charge".
Natural order directs (inception towards death) charges (life)...those within tempt each other into consenting to follow BID, verb (Latin peto) - "to ask, to desire, to beseech, to request; to invite".
Following the suggested orders by others, tempts one to lose charge (resistance) within perceivable (velocity). If resistance (life) ignores velocity (inception towards death); then velocity diminishes resistance quicker.
a) ANNUN (Latin annuncio; to deliver a message) + AKI (akin; allied by nature)
b) nature generates allies by setting itself apart from whole (perceivable) into partials (perception)...others utilize suggestion to deliver messages of temptation as to lure partials back together.
Suggestions such as...e pluribus unum (out of many; one) or tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together) or abrahamism (father of multitude) or united states; united nations; european union or unicode; uniform; universe or mass migration; miscegenation; melting pot; multiculturalism or equality (same) through diversity (different) etc.
Sleight of hand: "there comes a time, when we need to heed a certain call...when the world must come together as one" https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/michaeljackson/weretheworldusaforafrica.html
In short...suggested "annun" tempts one to ignore perceivable "akin".
Great read, ty. I do believe aether is an element. It's not agreed on/ the elaborations make it seem more important with the other elements.
Spiritual Hierarchies and Their Reflection in the Physical World by Rudolf Steiner
Space and dinosaurs are fake and gay