So im curious what is the flat earthers explanation is for climate change?
What would the shape of the world have to do with it? In general, climate (including any change to it) is believed to be almost entirely caused by the sun - regardless of the shape of the world.
It blows my mind people think climate change is fake
Then you don't know much about the ipcc, eh? Even if climate change were legitimate science, the fake shit being constantly bandied about by lying politicians and mass media for personal gains is plenty to lead the average person to conclude that it is fake and gay.
Something is happening, anyone who farms or is connected to nature senses it as well.
Anyone who doubts that weather changes day to day, year to year, decade to decade, century to century etc. is a fool. "Climate change" as we are inundated with by the fear porn propagandists is a horse of a different color.
What would the shape of the world have to do with it? In general, climate (including any change to it) is believed to be almost entirely caused by the sun - regardless of the shape of the world.
Then you don't know much about the ipcc, eh? Even if climate change were legitimate science, the fake shit being constantly bandied about by lying politicians and mass media for personal gains is plenty to lead the average person to conclude that it is fake and gay.
Anyone who doubts that weather changes day to day, year to year, decade to decade, century to century etc. is a fool. "Climate change" as we are inundated with by the fear porn propagandists is a horse of a different color.