I would presume these were the same devices as the one used in Port Said blast in August 2020. That one was carried by an air-launched missile, but these appear to have been smuggled into an underground facility, probably an ammunition depot or rocket storage or both.
These devices are ~5kT yield each with very low or no residual radiation. About 50 were stolen by Israel from the US at the very beginning of 2020. BTW, from that we can conclude that Israel has few or no other nuclear weapons, as the theft was quite risky. So the end-of-the-world "Samson Option" is off the table, but I think we can see that four dozen of these babies could do quite a lot of damage.
One might wonder why certain entities like Iran, Hezbollah, Russia, Jordan, Egypt, Turkiye, etc., don't call out Israel for this latest crime against humanity. They surely must see this for themselves. Many would conclude out of hand that if they aren't saying anything about this, then it didn't happen. I find that very shallow and naive.
I don't presume to know the thinking and planning of these entities, but the old saying is, "If you're going to kill the king, kill the king". That is, any kind of public announcement would almost certainly only work to push Israel into more maniacal and genocidal crimes before they are taken down.
Second, the Muslim world--backed up by quite a thick chunk of the non-Muslim world--is balanced on a knife edge of popular outrage. Millions upon millions of them are literally within driving distance of Israel. What happens if that boiling pot finally boils over?
Personally, as outrageous and damning as this latest act is, if I had the power to act as these governments do, I would look to handle it some way other than shouting it from the rooftops.
I would presume these were the same devices as the one used in Port Said blast in August 2020. That one was carried by an air-launched missile, but these appear to have been smuggled into an underground facility, probably an ammunition depot or rocket storage or both.
These devices are ~5kT yield each with very low or no residual radiation. About 50 were stolen by Israel from the US at the very beginning of 2020. BTW, from that we can conclude that Israel has few or no other nuclear weapons, as the theft was quite risky. So the end-of-the-world "Samson Option" is off the table, but I think we can see that four dozen of these babies could do quite a lot of damage.
One might wonder why certain entities like Iran, Hezbollah, Russia, Jordan, Egypt, Turkiye, etc., don't call out Israel for this latest crime against humanity. They surely must see this for themselves. Many would conclude out of hand that if they aren't saying anything about this, then it didn't happen. I find that very shallow and naive.
I don't presume to know the thinking and planning of these entities, but the old saying is, "If you're going to kill the king, kill the king". That is, any kind of public announcement would almost certainly only work to push Israel into more maniacal and genocidal crimes before they are taken down.
Second, the Muslim world--backed up by quite a thick chunk of the non-Muslim world--is balanced on a knife edge of popular outrage. Millions upon millions of them are literally within driving distance of Israel. What happens if that boiling pot finally boils over?
Personally, as outrageous and damning as this latest act is, if I had the power to act as these governments do, I would look to handle it some way other than shouting it from the rooftops.