Nice for you to mention it. They had been doing it since Rome with their Cult of Dionysus and Vatican/Reskinned Talmud drivel. Spreading the insane ideology where the individuality should be forefeit to a Semitic Blood God called YHVH. They can do nothing wrong in front of insane Roman emperors and an overly intelligent and advanced population that must be dumbed down to being sheep.
Being in sanus (within sound) implies being spread (partials) within sound (entire; whole).
IDEA (that which is seen; perceivable) LOGIC (reasoning about what others suggest). Ones consent to suggested idealism tempts one into logic aka into conflicts of reason.
advanced population that must be dumbed down to being sheep
Suggested progressivism tempts one to follow suggested orders; while ignoring to be (life) advanced (inception towards death) within natural order.
Consenting to suggested burdens one with it aka represses ones expressions aka dumbs one down.
individuality should be forefeit
a) being implies one among other ones as partial within whole...others suggest individualism aka IN (being within) DUAL (two) to tempt one into a conflict of reason against other ones, hence one binding self by consent to suggestions by another aka dualism.
b) being implies growth (life) within loss (inception towards death) which implies being forfeited.
Nice for you to mention it. They had been doing it since Rome with their Cult of Dionysus and Vatican/Reskinned Talmud drivel. Spreading the insane ideology where the individuality should be forefeit to a Semitic Blood God called YHVH. They can do nothing wrong in front of insane Roman emperors and an overly intelligent and advanced population that must be dumbed down to being sheep.
Being in sanus (within sound) implies being spread (partials) within sound (entire; whole).
IDEA (that which is seen; perceivable) LOGIC (reasoning about what others suggest). Ones consent to suggested idealism tempts one into logic aka into conflicts of reason.
Suggested progressivism tempts one to follow suggested orders; while ignoring to be (life) advanced (inception towards death) within natural order.
Consenting to suggested burdens one with it aka represses ones expressions aka dumbs one down.
a) being implies one among other ones as partial within whole...others suggest individualism aka IN (being within) DUAL (two) to tempt one into a conflict of reason against other ones, hence one binding self by consent to suggestions by another aka dualism.
b) being implies growth (life) within loss (inception towards death) which implies being forfeited.