Ones consent to suggested -ism (theorism) shapes one into an -ist (theorist). Amend (fault within ones mind) implies ones ignorance of perceivable "theory" for suggested "theorism".
THE'ORY, noun (Latin theoria; Gr. to see or contemplate) - "speculation". One sees perceivable, while others tempt one to contemplate's ones free will of choice, yet "speculation" aka SPEC (particular) TION (action) aka particular reaction (life) within whole action (inception towards death) can only be ignored, not set aside for contemplation about something else.
conspiracies of execution and conspiracies of concealment
a) end of conspire aka CON (together) SPIRE (to breathe) implies birth of life; afterwards each one breathes apart from one another.
b) EX'ECUTE, verb (Latin exsequor; ex and sequor, to follow. See Seek)...seeking suggested tempts one to follow those suggesting it, hence establishing ignorance within self (concealed mind) and opportunity for exploitation by others (conspiring).
Those who follow others ignore to sustain self, hence attempting to breathe together (conspire) with others, hence many seeking life insurances; healthcare; currency; water and food etc. from a suggesting few.
Sleight of hand for those with eyes to see: "Breathe the pressure...Come play my game, I'll test ya...Psychosomatic addict, insane...Come breathe with me".
Ones consent to suggested -ism (theorism) shapes one into an -ist (theorist). Amend (fault within ones mind) implies ones ignorance of perceivable "theory" for suggested "theorism".
THE'ORY, noun (Latin theoria; Gr. to see or contemplate) - "speculation". One sees perceivable, while others tempt one to contemplate's ones free will of choice, yet "speculation" aka SPEC (particular) TION (action) aka particular reaction (life) within whole action (inception towards death) can only be ignored, not set aside for contemplation about something else.
a) end of conspire aka CON (together) SPIRE (to breathe) implies birth of life; afterwards each one breathes apart from one another.
b) EX'ECUTE, verb (Latin exsequor; ex and sequor, to follow. See Seek)...seeking suggested tempts one to follow those suggesting it, hence establishing ignorance within self (concealed mind) and opportunity for exploitation by others (conspiring).
Those who follow others ignore to sustain self, hence attempting to breathe together (conspire) with others, hence many seeking life insurances; healthcare; currency; water and food etc. from a suggesting few.
Sleight of hand for those with eyes to see: "Breathe the pressure...Come play my game, I'll test ya...Psychosomatic addict, insane...Come breathe with me".