The many are being tricked by a few to blame each other within a court of public opinion, while confining themselves privately when doing so. Each one monitored (in front of a monitor), while blaming others within a world wide web, isn't PUB'LIC, adjective - "open; notorious; exposed to all persons without restriction".
Celebrating human greed, and promoting it, instead of recognizing the mental illness that it is. (doing one for the self, over the group)
Consider the opposite...greed implies wanting from others; which tempts one to ignore needing to sustain self. Greed then tempts envy within others. Suggested group (collectivism) tempts one (singular) to ignore self for wanting to be part of others.
The many are being tricked by a few to blame each other within a court of public opinion, while confining themselves privately when doing so. Each one monitored (in front of a monitor), while blaming others within a world wide web, isn't PUB'LIC, adjective - "open; notorious; exposed to all persons without restriction".
Consider the opposite...greed implies wanting from others; which tempts one to ignore needing to sustain self. Greed then tempts envy within others. Suggested group (collectivism) tempts one (singular) to ignore self for wanting to be part of others.