The military, in a pinch in WWII, trained pharmacists in half a year. Yea, they had MD oversight, but a pharmacy degree requirement to count pills out, is a protection racket.
How often do they really, I mean really, identify people taking meds that interact with bad results?
They got a bonus with each injection.
i've always wondered how somebody could stand the job of a pharmacist. It seems like one of the most boring and lackluster jobs in the world.
6 year degree to count the number of pills the computer tells you to count. If you question anything you get fired.
The military, in a pinch in WWII, trained pharmacists in half a year. Yea, they had MD oversight, but a pharmacy degree requirement to count pills out, is a protection racket.
How often do they really, I mean really, identify people taking meds that interact with bad results?