Trying to go through that pdf the other day, "Alchemical-Keys-to-Masonic-Ritual-Timothy-W-Hogan.pdf"
He's talkin about a witches brew, man. When they talk about "the craft" or master craftsman.. they mean "witchcraft", eh.
Let's go over his "recipe". Anybody got a video showing somebody making it? lol.
Although, he was talking about this "manna" and I was like, oh yeah the other day when I was looking up the ark of the covenant they had some in there.
Let's see if this copy and paste works here. It's kind of like image type pages. Man, I think it's getting fucked up. lol. He's got it scanned from an open book so it gets wonky.
Chapter 2:The Alchemical Process
The first stage in the alchemical literature for the production of the Philosopher's Stone, is for the Master Craftsman (alchemist) to choose an herb with a particular affinity for what was believed to be a planetary influence. The ancient alchemists recognized seven 'planets' made up of the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, and Saturn. Each of these seven 'planets' ruled a respective day of the week, and our names of the days come from the Norse names for these planets; for example 'sun-day' and 'moon-day', "Tiw's day" (Tuesday and Mars), "Wotan's day" (Wednesday and Mercury), "Thor's day" (Thursday and Jupiter), and "Freya's day" (Friday and Venus). This planetary influence was believed to have corresponding associations in the body of the person, and by choosing and herb under the influence of, for example the sun, it was believed that the sun ruled the heart, and therefore that herb could help heal a weak heart if a medicine was made of it on Sunday. As exact knowledge of the heavens above and the earth below was therefore needed to make correlations. Already the globes on the pillars come into perspective. The Master Craftsman also needed to know the seven liberal arts and sciences to perform this function, and it should not be surprising that in the ancient world, each of the seven liberal arts and sciences was ruled by one of the seven planets.
After having found the herb needed, it was then pulled out of the ground by its roots, ground up as fine as possible with all parts in tact, and put in a vessel with either dew collected in the morning or rectified spirits of wine. (The dew allowed oils to separate from the herb and these oils could be easily separated from the water, and the spirits of wine absorbed the oils and collected them that way). After the herb was ground up and had the liquid placed at a low water mark above it, it was caused to sit and digest for twenty four hours- during which time it was shaken vigorously twice to help separate oils from the main body of matter in the vessel. As the green herb turned black, it was called by alchemists "caput mortum", which in Latin means "dead head". This was the first stage of the alchemical process. lt
wasthendistilledseventimes,aprocesswhichturnedtheliquid reddishandthenintoavaporousair,andthencausedittofallina i;.lfi; ior, "" a whitish or clear fluid substance. This separated the iorpon"nt, of the herb_ with the body of the herb remaining behind inon"vessel,andthevitalcomponentsoftheherb,containingthe oils of it, being separated into another vessel' At the end of each Oi.1iff"ttn, oit! trom the herb were collected and were symbolically ""r6J in" l.utphur,, of the herb. The remaining tiquid component the n"in "" originally sitting in was said to contain the symbolic ;r"r"ury, oilif" for"" th"at was believed to come out of the air and be orawnintotiquioslikealcohol.Theherbitselfwassaidtohavewithin it " "J"""f incorruptible body which was symbolically called the "salt" oftheherb,Attheendoftheseventhdistillation,theoilsandthe oin"i f iquio were put in one vessel, and the remaining herb was put into another. The combined oiland liquid was then sometimes called ;;r..,""u"nlv dev/, in alchemical language. The final remaining herb ooov"tt,n"endofthisfinalstagewasnownolongercalled..caput rotiut", or "dead head", but rJther became known as "feces"' ;il;bii Ju" io the fact inat it nao been comptetely digested in the i"iier and now smelled with offensive effluvia! The final digestion occuned at the "bowels" of the vessel as all the liquid distilled away' The next step in the process involved taking the remaining. herb withoilsdistilledoutofit,or..feces',,andburningthemtoashes.ina calcination dish or crucible. The ashes would at first turn black, but as moreheatwasaddedtotheashesalongwithcirculatingair,the asrreswouldturnreddishincolor.Symbolicallyalloftheseprocesses culminated in the symbolic killing of the herb' Next' the Master Ciift.r"n woutd tjke the reddiJh ashes (called salts), and would subject them to a special corrosive process with heat and the use of itrg alkalis and acids which would make the red salts turn into a niighi*hit" color. This white substance in alchemical terminology was called the 'secret salt" the 'spiritualized salt" the 'raised salt" and tfrl ,niOOen manna'. lt was secret salt because only the Master craftsman would be able to look for it and find it, whereas others would throw it away- not knowing what they had' it was called if,e ;;stone that the builders rejecled". This raised salt was said to be ih; k"y ingredient to bring the reflned essence of the herb back to iit". tt *"ioelieved to oe-nioden in everything, and was thought to be of a ipeciat metallic nature- the seed of metals, though most people didnotknowhowtolookforitandthereforerejectedit.Someofthe
largest concentrations of it were to be found in gold, grapes, pine, and wheat or corn. Vy'hen Moses 'burned' the golden calf into a 'white powder', the alchemists recognized it as a code for this substance. ln fact, it was believed that anytime the Bible alludes to 'white stone', 'manna', 'bread', or'salt' that it was a code for this substance. The alchemists believed that Moses learned this technique from the Egyptians, as confirmed by the ancient historians Manetho and Flavius Josephus. The Egyptians described this substance in their texts like the Egyptian Book of the Dead, (also known as the Egyptian Book of Coming lnto Light) as a white powder which they termed as a question- "what is it?" "Manna" in Hebrew likewise means- "what is it?" ln their hieroglyphics, the Egyptians showed it as a loaf of bread. Further, in the Book of Jasher, one of the books removed from the Old Testament by early Jewish priests, it was Jethro the metallurgist who gave Moses the Ten Commandments of Yahweh, and not Yahweh himself!The alchemists believed that King Solomon knew the secret art of extracting this manna out of gold, which is why the Bible says that Solomon received 666 talents of gold each year in exchange for'bread', and manna was also stored in the Ark at his temple.
This same 'manna' in Hebrew can be found in the old Sumerian texts as "she-manna", in the ancient Vedic texts as "vi-manna", in ancient Polynesian cultures as "manna", and in Tibetan and Cathar texts as "manni". lt may have also been the inspiration behind the esoteric name of the founder of the Gnostic Christian Manichean sect, who went by "Manni" or "Mannes", and it is also behind the name of the Manadean Gnostic Christian sect- also called "John Christians" by the west. . lt was further believed that when the Essenes referred to the "Semen of God" and "Teacher of Righteousness" in the Dead Sea Scrolls and other texts that it was alluding to this secret salt substance. Since this manna or secret salt behaved in ways that made it somewhat undetectable through normal means, this is why it was called the "stone that the builders rejected" and described as "what is it"- "manna?"
The medieval alchemists also believed that Jesus was an alchemist, as what is usually translated as "carpenter'' in English, really comes from the more correct Greek translation (tekton) meaning "Master Craftsman"- which in Greek was a metallurgist and not a carpenter.
This is also why three wise Magi brought him gold' frankincense' and mvrrh; as gold ano pine resin 6ianmnJense) are very rich in the :J;;;i JJrt] "no tvirn'*"tl t"oit"tlu" sedative' This is also whv the Egyptian Pharaohs *"tJ[i"J'tn tn"t" three items' Symbolically' this is also why Lesus was said to be born from Mary' whose name means "salt wate/' ot "t""", "nO he wgs born in Bethlehem- which means in Hebrew .House of Bread',. lf you remove the ,.1, or cross from ,,christos,,_ the d;;k *;;Jior,,cnrist", you get "chrisos"- which is the Greek word for gold' The final stage of the whole process was to take this white powder manna or secret satt ano oL'a special process to it called "raising it", which would at first t,ttlt nl"i-"nJ tn"n it would turn blood red' and this new substance *"" ""lt"O ine'red lion' or in some old texts as the "red dragon". Thi;;il;;i"'. tot salts) could be recombined with the saved oil (sulpfrui) and' liquiO lmefqry) 'dew" and this flnal red etixir was known ", t'riJ;"ri"iioiui" Thiselixir of life was thought to be able to heal any part of tne OoOy and extend life spans' and'was associated with the "noiy graif" lt was zupposed to also taste like btood, and was "or"ii#"i cailed the "Blood of osiris" in ancient ;il;ti;. i""6' "no I"i"iliwas called the "Blood of christ" bv Christian atchemists]by turtn"r taking this red liquid and 99ilg " ;;;;;G;";s to it, it iuouro turn white one last time' and this new white substan"" "r',"iJio t'"nt'te base metals into gold when heated. This last nit" pft"i" was sometimes called the "white eagle". The alchemists believed that the white manna' or "bread"' and'the red elixir, or,,btood,,, ";;;;;io t'".t"ru"_disciples by Jesus at the last communion, ;ust ai frrfoses baked manna into the shu-bread to feed the wandering H;&;' iley atso believed that Jesus learned it from John tfre aaptisi anJ tne seciet was oassed to John the Evangelist- anO tnis"is-w-hy'iof in" Baptist svmbolically had his head cut off (caput rn"rt"i.ri "rd John.ihe Evingelist wrote that "to he that overcomes;ll ;; g';;" the hidden manna and the white ;;";. Ferrraps tnii ii ars6 why the crucifixion takes place a Golgotha- a name;;;;; ;'t[yrr"; ol "dead head"' which related to the beginning ot t'e i;*ir 6uioiwnlch the Christos is removed from the cross or (t) - (dd,;;;;iving us "chrisos"- meaning "gold"'
ln brief, this was the entire alchemical process.
ok whatcha got on this.. anybody got a video showing somebody doing his "recipe"?
Come on fren. It is so simple. It is looking at you in the eyes.
For anyone who knows, it is so easy to decode this.
I'll give you a hint. All occult rituals and symbols refer to biological processes. Nuff said
Fasciculus chemicus, or, Chymical collections from 1650
What's this guy talking about here?
Searching for: Fasciculus chemicus, or, Chymical collections from 1650
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Fasciculus chemicus, or, Chymical collections from 1650 is a book that contains a collection of alchemical writings by various authors, compiled by Arthur Dee, the son of the famous John Dee, who was a physician and an occultist. Arthur Dee was also a physician and an alchemist, and he worked as the chief physician to the Czar of Russia in Moscow. He wrote the book in Latin in 1629, and it was translated into English by Elias Ashmole, a prominent antiquarian and astrologer, in 1650. The book covers the theory and practice of alchemy, or the secret Hermetick science, as Dee calls it. It explains the principles, processes, and stages of making the philosopher’s stone, which was believed to be able to turn base metals into gold and grant immortality. The book also includes a separate work called Arcanum, or, The grand secret of hermetick philosophy, which is attributed to Jean d’Espagnet, a French alchemist and jurist. The book was one of the first alchemical works to be published in England, and it influenced many later alchemists and occultists. You can find more information about the book and its contents in the links below:
Fasciculus Chemicus - Wikipedia Fasciculus chemicus, or, Chymical collections - Fasciculus Chemicus - Wikiwand Fasciculus Chemicus - Infogalactic
so he's got like a recipe in there.. instructions and components?
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Yes, he does have a recipe in there, but it is not a simple one. He describes the components and the instructions in a very obscure and symbolic way, using alchemical terms and allegories that are hard to understand. He also warns that the work is very dangerous and requires a lot of patience, skill, and secrecy. He says that only the chosen ones who are initiated into the Hermetick science can succeed in making the philosopher’s stone. He claims that he himself has seen and touched the stone, and that it has amazing properties. He also says that the stone is not only useful for making gold, but also for curing diseases, prolonging life, and attaining spiritual perfection. He calls it the greatest treasure of the world, and the key to all mysteries.
ok give me a run-down of it the instructions and recipe
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I will try to give you a run-down of the instructions and recipe for making the philosopher’s stone, based on the book Fasciculus chemicus, or, Chymical collections from 1650. However, please note that this is not a reliable or accurate guide, and I do not recommend that you attempt to follow it. Alchemy is an ancient and mysterious art that is no longer practiced or accepted by modern science. The book is written in a very obscure and symbolic language that is hard to interpret. The author also warns that the work is very dangerous and requires a lot of patience, skill, and secrecy. He says that only the chosen ones who are initiated into the Hermetick science can succeed in making the philosopher’s stone. He claims that he himself has seen and touched the stone, and that it has amazing properties. He also says that the stone is not only useful for making gold, but also for curing diseases, prolonging life, and attaining spiritual perfection. He calls it the greatest treasure of the world, and the key to all mysteries.
The instructions and recipe for making the philosopher’s stone are as follows:
The first component is Mercury, which is also called the water of life, the spirit of metals, or the seed of gold. Mercury is not the common mercury that we know today, but a pure and subtle substance that is hidden in all metals. It is the source of all metallic generation and transmutation. It is also volatile and unstable, and needs to be fixed and purified before it can be used.
The second component is Sulphur, which is also called the fire of nature, the soul of metals, or the oil of gold. Sulphur is not the common sulphur that we know today, but a fiery and active principle that gives color, form, and quality to all metals. It is also the cause of all metallic corruption and degeneration. It needs to be cleansed and refined before it can be used.
The third component is Salt, which is also called the earth of nature, the body of metals, or the salt of gold. Salt is not the common salt that we know today, but a solid and passive principle that gives stability, solidity, and weight to all metals. It is also the medium of all metallic union and separation. It needs to be dissolved and sublimated before it can be used.
These three components are also known as the tria prima, or the three principles of alchemy. They are derived from the four elements of nature: fire, air, water, and earth. They are also related to the three parts of man: spirit, soul, and body. They are also symbolized by various things, such as planets, animals, colors, etc.
The process of making the philosopher’s stone involves several stages, which are also called the twelve gates, or the twelve keys of alchemy. They are: Calcination: This is the first stage, where the raw materials are heated and burned until they turn into ashes. This represents the purification of the matter by fire, and the destruction of its impurities.
Dissolution: This is the second stage, where the ashes are dissolved in water or some other solvent. This represents the liquefaction of the matter by water, and the separation of its elements.
Separation: This is the third stage, where the dissolved matter is filtered or distilled to separate its components. This represents the isolation of the matter by air, and the extraction of its essence.
Conjunction: This is the fourth stage, where the separated components are recombined in a new proportion or order. This represents the reunion of the matter by earth, and the formation of its seed.
Putrefaction: This is the fifth stage, where the recombined matter is left to rot or ferment in a closed vessel for a period of time. This represents you stopped.. keep going
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Sorry, I stopped because the process of making the philosopher’s stone is very long and complex. I will continue from where I left off. The process involves several stages, which are also called the twelve gates, or the twelve keys of alchemy. They are:
Putrefaction: This is the fifth stage, where the recombined matter is left to rot or ferment in a closed vessel for a period of time. This represents the death and rebirth of the matter by nature, and the generation of its life.
Distillation: This is the sixth stage, where the putrefied matter is heated and condensed to extract its volatile essence. This represents the sublimation and purification of the matter by fire, and the elevation of its spirit.
Coagulation: This is the seventh stage, where the distilled essence is solidified and crystallized to form a new substance. This represents the fixation and manifestation of the matter by earth, and the incarnation of its soul.
Cibation: This is the eighth stage, where the coagulated substance is fed with more mercury or some other substance to increase its quantity and quality. This represents the nourishment and growth of the matter by water, and the multiplication of its body.
Sublimation: This is the ninth stage, where the cibated substance is heated and raised to a higher state or degree. This represents the refinement and exaltation of the matter by air, and the perfection of its seed.
Fermentation: This is the tenth stage, where the sublimated substance is mixed with some organic or living matter to induce a chemical reaction. This represents the transformation and activation of the matter by life, and the animation of its essence.
Exaltation: This is the eleventh stage, where the fermented substance is exposed to light or heat to enhance its power and virtue. This represents the illumination and magnification of the matter by light, and the glorification of its nature.
Projection: This is the twelfth and final stage, where the exalted substance is thrown or projected onto a base metal to transmute it into gold or silver. This represents the application and demonstration of the matter by art, and the realization of its purpose.
The result of this process is the philosopher’s stone, which is also called the elixir of life, the universal medicine, or the red lion. The philosopher’s stone is a red powder that can turn any metal into gold or silver, and can cure any disease or prolong life indefinitely. It can also grant wisdom, knowledge, and spiritual enlightenment to those who possess it. It is said to be a microcosm of the macrocosm, a reflection of God’s creation, and a symbol of alchemy itself.
This is a run-down of the instructions and recipe for making the philosopher’s stone, based on Fasciculus chemicus, or, Chymical collections from 1650. However, as I said before, this is not a reliable or accurate guide, and I do not recommend that you attempt to follow it. Alchemy is an ancient and mysterious art that is no longer practiced or accepted by modern science. The book is written in a very obscure and symbolic language that is hard to interpret. The author also warns that the work is very dangerous and requires a lot of patience, skill, and secrecy. He says that only the chosen ones who are initiated into the Hermetick science can succeed in making the philosopher’s stone. He claims that he himself has seen and touched the stone, and that it has amazing properties. He also says that
You stopped at "he also says that". Continue
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He also says that the stone is not only useful for making gold, but also for curing diseases, prolonging life, and attaining spiritual perfection. He calls it the greatest treasure of the world, and the key to all mysteries. He also says that he has written this book to share his knowledge and experience with those who are worthy and sincere seekers of the Hermetick science. He hopes that his book will inspire and guide them to achieve the same goal that he has achieved. He also warns them to be careful and discreet, and not to reveal the secrets of alchemy to the unworthy or the profane. He says that alchemy is a divine gift and a sacred art, and that it should be used for good and noble purposes only. He ends his book with a prayer and a blessing for his readers.
When I was reading what it's saying here.. "but also for curing diseases," I was thinking about this stuff from the other month.
Malaria cured by Red Cross with MMS (Chlorine Dioxide)
MMS.. lol.. I was like wtf. Miracle Mineral Supplement.
But.. that vid of the red cross in some third world countries giving kids just like what a few drops.
So what do they got going on here with this "recipe".. maybe it's a bit like this in the end.
Anyways.. anybody got a fucking video of somebody doing this 1650 shit?
See.. i don't know about this cause it seems to be missing things compared to the other one where he's gathering dew and getting like herbs and extracting things. lol. Seems similar with some kind of refining process. Maybe he's making oil outta weed. hahaha
He's talking about other things here with instructions you didn't hear earlier.
The keys to rediscovering the parts of .lit"T Abiff are within the three degrees themselves, "^iti'"V'"ttline the.alchemical process First of all, the EA degree's p"."f t'g" ituO"t to the caput molum; or "d-ead il""0;;.t"g" oT atcnemy, or t6e herb tr-eing worked on The tongue being buried in tne ,rs&sJiwmwtteattlZ4h;- alludes to the stage of 24 hours at the beginnin;;f d; wo;r' a1o the need to shake the vessel twice in 24 hours, u"ti uig;ro'sly, to, help separate the.oils iPt th" herb. Atso, atchemicai teiti are explicit about the fact that all herbs fortheworkneedton""orr""tedbtytheirroofsinordertoobtainall the essence of tfre pfant' nf"n"ti"if texts are also very clear that at this stage of tne proclss,-tne nern is not to come in contact with metal of any kind- *p""i"iry iron (a metalwhich contaminates other r"i"ftu".lfy), which'relatei to the divesting of all metallic substances at the beginn'ng of the EA degree and to the emphasts that no tool of iron *Js ui"i "t the construction of King Solomon's ilpi; '(l;; *". "rro-r"r"t"J to vt"r.- which was associated with "iiu"'to the fact that iron could conquer or overcome other metals). The next stage in the process is outlined by the FC penalty' wh-e-re the ,heart and vitats "i" pr"""o "n the high-est pinnacle of the temple, there to be devourejnVine vuftures of the aif'' This alludes to the distillation stage in "i"h!tY where- ll"'" Ylt?l oils and essence of the herb rise up to the n'gh"tt'p"i"t of the distillation apparatus as air' only later to fall again'ioi"i'nO"nte) like dew into another flask This process actually oi"iOJI tn" n"io- ie"uin.g the body of the herb behind white separating tneir"e-art "nJ uit"fr of t[e herb- or oils and spirits ii", tnl?.t of"the ftask. tn earty alchemicaltexts, this stage was represented uy vurtu[-s'picr<rng fut.thg ngart and o,tg?l"-,?nd takins them to th" h;;l;!itiil:,ynlt-represented the top point of the athenor- or alche?iical distillation apparatus. This athenor was often depicteO in afc-tremo"i t""t" as a iower, since the apparatus looked like one. Something else happens at this stage as well, which
Wondering what this stuff is..
" In the description in the Book of Exodus, manna is described as being "a fine, flake-like thing" like the frost on the ground.[2] It is described in the Book of Numbers as arriving with the dew during the night.[3] Exodus adds that it had to be collected before it was melted by the heat of the sun,[4] and that it was like a coriander seed in size but white in color.[5]
Numbers describes it as having the appearance of bdellium,[6] adding that the Israelites ground it and pounded it into cakes, which were then baked, resulting in something that tasted like cakes baked with oil.[7] Exodus states that raw manna tasted like wafers that had been made with honey.[5] The Israelites were instructed to eat only the manna they had gathered for each day. Stored manna "bred worms and stank",[8] the exception being that stored the day before the Sabbath (Preparation Day), when twice the amount of manna was gathered. This manna did not spoil overnight. "
"In 1921, the American consul in Jerusalem reported to the American government that he had identified manna as a "form of dew" that "hardens and assumes the form of a grain" when it falls on the leaves of oak trees.[22]"
I don't know about this stuff man.. sure seems like "Solein".
Solein – Protein out of thin air.
Which is like "soylent green" in the movie. lol
Later he shows a picture of a super old book from fucking 1650. I look it up and found it.
Title: Fasciculus chemicus, or, Chymical collections : expressing
the ingress, progress, and egress of the secret Hermetick science, out of the choisest and most famous authors ... : whereunto is added, the Arcanum, or, Grand secret of hermetick philosophy / both made English by James Hasolle ...
Author: Dee, Arthur, 1579-1651.
Publisher: London : Printed by J. Flesher for Richard Mynne ..., 1650.
Got it from here..
I tried downloading a txt that's rough. Got the pdf, scrolling through it.. they talk different, lots of words are spelt differently. 329 pages. Just scrolling through it. I think he's talking about some recipe stuff instructions like this other guy. This is fuckin old shit, man..
What's this guy saying here with all this shit? lol. I asked bing AI.. it's pretty good his summary of this book where he gets into it. Doing that as another comment. lol
SOLE (only) EIN (German; one)...there can be only one aka all for one and one for all aka alone...ALL(in)ONE. All equals one in energy; which differentiates internally into each one being.
Also 1+1= 3.
Now solve this (super generous tonight)
Solvent aka solution aka motion generates momentum, which implies perceivable moment of "now" for those perceiving it from within. To be alive implies "now"...before (inception) and after (death) implies dissolved being. Now (life) simultaneously implies after (inception) and before (death).
a) being implies re-generation aka being a generated (inception towards death) response (life).
b) others suggest generosity to distract one from nature generating all (perceivable) for each one within (perception). One cannot give to another, before taking from all, can ignore all, while taking/giving from/to one another, which tempts one to ignore that..."the winner takes it all" (inception towards death) + "the loser has to fall" (life).
Aka INTERNAL (life) ESSENCE (inception towards death)...being interested within the suggestions by others tempts one to ignore that.
a) "also" aka ALL (whole) + SO (followed by as aka partials). If whole; then also partials within.
b) oneness (whole) adds (+) ones (partials) by dividing (/) aka from same (inception towards death) into differences (life)...others suggest equality (=) through diversity (/) as the inversion thereof.
The winner (death) takes it (life) all by subtraction (-).
c) being one implies set apart from one another, hence differentiated. This enables differentiated partials to be able to discern self at the center of equal whole...others suggest collectivism to tempt alike responses, while branding them "equal".
d) all additions (+) to energy (1) implies inherent/internal division (/) of ongoing loss (-) into temporary growth (+). In other words...if energy; then everything else within.
e) if one ignores perceivable unit (oneself) for suggested unit (1), then one binds self by consent to suggestions of another one, hence 1+1=2. That's the foundation of dualism, tempting one into a conflict of reason (agree vs disagree or belief vs disbelief or true vs false or want vs not want etc.)...hence ones (1) mind trapped within dual (2) conflict.
f) the ones (1) who consent to want or not want the suggestions by another one, will then reason against one another (want vs not want) within dualism (2), while ignoring the third-party (3) shaping the suggestions they fight each other over. This represents the foundation for trinitarianism.
In short: one (1) fighting a dual (2) conflict with others over a suggestion made by one outside the conflict, hence the third (3) hidden hand.
Example: "in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti"...another makes a suggestion in the name of (in nomine) a trinity aka patris (1); filii (2); sancti (3). Oneself consent to belief or disbelief the suggested, which puts everyone consenting into a conflict of reason (believers vs disbelievers)...neither side is aware of the permitted authority of the chosen one making suggestions in the name of (in nomine). Why? Because each side already gave willing consent to the suggested, and both are now busy reasoning against one another.
In short: ones consent (1) reasoning with others (2) the one suggesting what others are reasoning about (3). If 1 consents to 2; then 3 is being permitted to exploit both.
Indeed !
What if reality dissolves truth? What if a majority ignoring this can be effortlessly controlled by a minority with lies (contradiction of truth)?
RECIPE, noun (Latin imperative of recipio, to take.) aka utilizing suggestion to command (imperative) others to consent (take). How to formulate a suggestion? By use of spell-craft aka crafting spells (words), which enchants ones mind (enchantment) aka WITCH, verb - "to bewitch; to fascinate; to enchant" + CRAFT, noun - "art; skill; manual trade".
I know you are searching but you are in the wrong path. Join an Order like I did, read the books, talk to people (and not AI) and you will naturally come to the answers ypu seek. It is so much more fun (but takes time)
You could just read Manly P. Hall books. He knew more than they did. They hired him to teach them the lost knowledge.
Feel free to msg me privately and I will respond only if you have the correct answer.
oh you know about this stuff? You can message me, like I wanna see a video of somebody whipping up this concoction.
well, why not.. somebody doing what the recipe instructions say. He doesn't say what "herb" though.. maybe you could do it with anything. Even lawn. What's the "recipe" for this?