Not a documentary but the Michelson Morley experiment put me over the edge. If light is a constant and we are flying through the universe and around the sun at many miles an hour we should see a slight change in the speed of light depending on what direction it's going. This experiment shows no change is speed of light in any direction.
you want to really learn the arguments proposed i suggest checking out Witsit gets it on youtube. He is primarily a debater but he does streams dedicated to explaining relativity, special relativity, ect. He has done debates and interviews with alot of PHDs.
Eric Dubay: 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball -
Level (2021) 480P [SD]
Not a documentary but the Michelson Morley experiment put me over the edge. If light is a constant and we are flying through the universe and around the sun at many miles an hour we should see a slight change in the speed of light depending on what direction it's going. This experiment shows no change is speed of light in any direction.
you want to really learn the arguments proposed i suggest checking out Witsit gets it on youtube. He is primarily a debater but he does streams dedicated to explaining relativity, special relativity, ect. He has done debates and interviews with alot of PHDs.
heres a 30 min video going over alot of the misconceptions related to this subject i suggest checking this out first.