posted ago by defenderOfMontrocity ago by defenderOfMontrocity +8 / -1

Top posts from conspiracy forums stated that psyops soldiers might be Mossad agents living in Israel and at this moment they can't get a keyboard to type stuff like 'your conspiracy theories are crap you idiot' in forums.

Well first of all some conspiracy theories like flat earther and qanons are wrong and easily debunked. But other theories like 9/11 wtc7 might be legit. If you don't like any conspiracy theory then why browse conspiracy subreddit.

Let's say psyops soldiers are not Mossad or British 77th brigade. Okay, you can prove that easily. Just type release the tapes from palm beach Epstein house which were siezed by fbi 15 years ago.

But psyops soldiers can't demand this even online. Maybe psyops soldiers had to brainwash their own mind before doing psyops on others. Epstein and Maxwellhill were working for Israel, prince Andrew is one of the most powerful people alive so it's not like British and Israeli intelligence gonna type that.

Maybe conspiracy theorists should unite on certain topic. What issue? Keep it simple stupid. Right wingers have a tendency to steal conspiracy theory with qanon stuff, note that qanon never criticize Israel (because qanon is Jared Kushner). Left wingers sometimes steal conspiracy movement by using vague buzzword driven ideology, because they can't demand audit the fed anymore.

So, let's everybody type this-

'If FBI wants to pretend it's a legitimate and unbiased agency from a civilized country, paid by the taxpayers of the Union, and it's not working for federal reserve bank, is not a mafia at all, they can easily show it! Just release the video cassettes, CDs and DVDs regarding all Epstein-Maxwellhill cases, including but not limited to the tapes siezed from Palm Beach Florida. So FBI are you totally like Brits and Israeli intelligence and torturing the masses with psyops? Or you can prove you are exceptional, you are better and you totally didn't kill Fred Hampton etc. Just release the freaking tapes'