Suggested representation tempts one to shirk response-ability (free will of choice) onto others. Others suggest representation to distract one from RE (responding to) PRESENT (presented by) ATION (action) aka from responding to perceivable...not to the suggestions by others.
Ignoring perceivable for suggested establishes illusion aka ILLU (illusive) ION (action)...suggested information deceives one to ignore perceivable inspiration. The former one affixes as a definitions; the latter can't be affixed.
Elections give everyone their illusion of choice. They aren't going to get rid of everyone's pacifier.
Suggested representation tempts one to shirk response-ability (free will of choice) onto others. Others suggest representation to distract one from RE (responding to) PRESENT (presented by) ATION (action) aka from responding to perceivable...not to the suggestions by others.
Ignoring perceivable for suggested establishes illusion aka ILLU (illusive) ION (action)...suggested information deceives one to ignore perceivable inspiration. The former one affixes as a definitions; the latter can't be affixed.